It appears that the Taliban fears no armed women or men stationed in Iraq. Let's see, how many Iraqis were involved in the 9/11 attacks?
Some naysayers say that not only are we losing Afganistan but also that "until the United States withdraws from Iraq, ‘it will not have the moral, political, and military power to deal effectively with Iran's attempts to develop nuclear weapons.’" If we would give these critics and their pansy U.N. running buddies a few months in Gitmo, maybe they’d shut up.
Please forward immmediately to Rolling Stone magazine, appropriate venue for all foreign policy and political discussions.
I finally got time to reread the news. It was a Taliban cross dressing militant that was shot.(Must have been an identifying "bump" in his burka, it could have been the grenade, but maybe not.) The picture Andy posted is obviously someone of the same persuasion.
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