Frank, Home Run, Baker was an unmatched power hitter. He lead the league in home runs in 1911, 1912, 1913, and 1914, with 11, 10, 12, and 8 respectively. He had 96 career home runs. He was easygoing and did not use tobacco, alcohol, or any other drugs.
It's too damn bad that.
because of ignorance and arrogance, many people will never be able read this post to learn of these heroic statistics.
What an awesome individual.
Has Frank been enshrined in the Short Slow White Fundamentalist Christian Hall of Crappy Baseball Players Fame?
What league did Frank play in?
Home Run played for the Philadelphia Athletics and the New York Yankees. At one time he was the highest paid Yankee next to Babe Ruth. He was no slouch, but he couldn’t have hit off me.
If being a short, slow, white, fundamentalist Christian and a crappy baseball player would get one into the hall of fame, Virgil would have made it a long time ago.
I see that you're hiding behind Mary's skirt again Virgil.
There's no doubt that you wear the skirts in your family Angus, but you wouldn't butt heads with Nanny.
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