Karl Rove will be indicted
It looks like all those sleepless nights of visualizing Rove in leg chains are about to pay off. I guess this means that
Bushie's 29 percentwill soon be a dim memory. Heh." Fitzmas Alert: Rove to Be Indicted! on Tennessee Guerilla Women
For an update see, More on the Karl Rove Indictment Story.
A Leonard Cohen fan, Virg? As a favor to the weak sighted, could you steer away from neon blue type on black? Gracias
I've never met a musician or actor named Leonard that I didn't like. Sorry about the type. I was in too much haste to shamelessly copy the text from the gorilla women. I fixed it as best I could. I'm asking the occasional Virgils who are technologically more adept than I to fix it when and if they can.
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