Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mona Lisa? Maybe the Bushbird Is Smiling Because the Rest of Us Will Soon Be as Endangered as He Is.

Bald Eagles Off Endangered Species List- Now The Thorny Question Of What The Bag Limit Should Be.

Virgil is checking with state and federal game & fish agencies for their proposals, and invites feedback and suggestions on slot limits, size limits, gender limits, and any savory recipes. I’ve heard eagle tastes a lot like chicken.
Seasons are expected to open this fall.

Ann Coulter Is Not Representative of the Best and the Brightest Republican Women But, I Fear, Typical.

“Somewhere in the blogosphere, I read a post about this incident and noticed that the first comment below the article said: ‘I wonder if Ann Coulter is representative of the best and the brightest republican women out there?’ To which I have to say: I sincerely hope not, because if she is, we have a problem.” Ann Coulter: Giving Conservatives, Women, and Writers Everywhere by Nisha Chittal

Ann Coulter Shown Here Withou
t Makeup.

"If you've had it with morally bankrupt money grubbing media, see Southern Beale for a list of email addresses for MSNBC and their supporters. Make certain you include Dan Abrams who seems to be in charge of the MSNBC policy of getting the hate on to increase ratings. []" MSNBC: Boosting Ratings with Hate - Send Your Letters to Dan Abrams

The Politics of Fear & Hate.

"The strategy of being obstructionist can work or fail and so far it's working for us." -- Republican Whip Trent Lott, 4-18-07

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Better Late Than Never-Republican Senators Lugar & Voinovich Bail from Bush’s Botched Iraq Policy.

“Sen. George Voinovich said Tuesday the U.S. should begin pulling troops out of Iraq, joining Richard Lugar as the second Republican lawmaker in as many days to suggest President Bush's war strategy is failing. . . . Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind. . . , a senior Republican and a reliable vote for President Bush on the war, said Monday that Bush's Iraq strategy was not working and that the U.S. should downsize the military's role. . . .The Ohio senator's remarks followed similar comments by Lugar, R-Ind., the previous night. The two GOP senators previously had expressed concerns about Bush's decision to send 30,000 extra troops to Iraq in a massive U.S.-led security push in Baghdad and Anbar province.” Another GOP Senator Urges Pullout By ANNE FLAHERTY

The Worst President Ever.

"[George W. Bush is]The worst President ever. This [Bush's Supreme] Court that eviscerates the Bill of Rights, the political bias of scientific and environmental decisions, the record trade deficit, the record budget deficit, thousands of Americans dead in a failed war for oil, and the shattering of international good will are the legacy of Bush-Cheney. As for the 26% who still support his policies, there is no excuse."

Jonah made this comment to a previous post. It bears repeating in big red letters. After the Supreme Court elected Bush the first time, I thought we'd wake up with a hangover but would be ok, but it took too long to wake up. As Jonah points out. Some of us still haven't.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Religious Groups Lead Gay Pride Parade

"We stand for a progressive religious voice, . . . Those who use religion to advocate an anti-gay agenda I believe are blaspheming God's name." Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
We've known for years that homosexuals can be warriors, but there is some reason to think that men who live with men & women who live with women can't be religious leaders.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth Edwards suggests non-judgmental tolerance. "’I don't know why somebody else's marriage has anything to do with me,’ [Elizabeth Edwards] said. "I'm completely comfortable with gay marriage.’ Like every other major Democratic candidate, John Edwards does not openly support gay marriage. Instead, Edwards and the other Dems openly support the second-class citizenship alternative of civil unions. I believe Elizabeth Edwards has also earned the distinction of becoming the first wife of a major candidate to actually express a controversial opinion that differs from that of her husband.
What kind of role model is this woman?”
A very wonderful and rare one in Virgil’s opinion.

"The Supremes Have Done it Twice Today - No Free Speech and That 'Old Time Religion' Are 5-4 Winners."

A judge wrote this title. Unfortunately, he's not on the Supreme Court and the likes of Thomas, Scalia, Alito, & Roberts are. The Supremes, even more ideological & intellectually dishonest than they were when they elected Bush, (See, Opus Dei Goes To Washington) just ruled for Bush's faith-based initiative and for your tax dollars being used to advance religion. They also said public schools may censor students even for a nonsensical phrase if it hints at marijuana us and/or refers to Jesus the reference being preceded by “In” and followed by "’s name we pray.” This administration has made the same sound decisions with its judicial appointments as it has with its foreign policy.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

At The Divine Rev. Ms. S's Request Here's Willie, Waylon & Patsy

Click here to here to hear Patsy & Willie team up on Life's A Railway To Heaven

To hear Waylon do Amanda, click below.

Click here to hear the boys do Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys.

Click here to hear Patsy Fall to Pieces.

The More Things Change All Over Again

Most of our Supreme Court Justices have never represented real people & the chicken hawks who avoided service lead us into war. Maybe Sir Joseph Porter was right.

. . . that junior partnership, I ween,
Was the only ship that I ever had seen.
But that kind of ship so suited me,
That now I am the Ruler of the Queen's Navee!

I grew so rich that I was sent
By a pocket borough into Parliament.
I always voted at my party's call,
And I never thought of thinking for myself at all.
I thought so little, they rewarded me
By making me the Ruler of the Queen's Navee!

Now landsmen all, whoever you may be,
If you want to rise to the top of the tree,
If your soul isn't fettered to an office stool,
Be careful to be guided by this golden rule -
Stick close to your desks and never go to sea,
And you all may be rulers of the Queen's Navee!

Still Is

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bush Vetos Another Stem-Cell Bill Because He Finds It Morally Offensive to Destroy Discarded Human Embryos.

Of course, they'll be destroyed anyway. ". . . the legislation would only permit scientists to use embryos left over from fertility treatments that would otherwise be discarded. They also say it could clear the way for possible medical breakthroughs that could help millions of people suffering with debilitating diseases." Bush will veto popular stem-cell bill: aides by Thomas Ferraro
"This is just one example of how the president puts ideology before science, politics before the needs of our families, just one more example of how out of touch with reality he and his party have become," Hillary Rodham Clinton

We still have more than 579 more days of this.

Sickos Running Our Health Care & The Health Insurance Racket.

"Thirty-five years ago, in the same week Watergate happened, a New Left radical said something I never forgot.
'Eventually the United States and the Soviet Union will become mirror images of each other,' he told a bunch of us college students. 'They will get color TV, and we will get bugging, inefficiency and long lines.' That memory came back to me when Sicko showed how crowded hospitals bundle confused, disoriented and indigent patients into taxis and dump them out on Skid Row, in front of a mission. . . What's pretty clear is that we'd better start some form of revolution that involves single-payer health care, or this nation is doomed." From
Sicko Makes You Want to Start A Revolution.

A Long Long Way

A dear friend and I were talking about our having come a long way. We have. It's been an interesting ride and I hope our journey has been mostly for the good. I still couldn't help thinking of this commercial. It's funny how we see ourselves and how we measure things sometimes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Guess Things Happen That Way.

In keeping with my making my posts less depressing, here's a little number by Johnny Cash. I was a friend of old Johnny's. I was in the Navy with him. I'm sendin this song out this mornin to all them that's been dumped to cheer um up a bit. Take it away Johnny.

Patti & Emily Are Very Different, But Both Are Heros

I got this message from Patti yesterday. “You've finally done it. ONTHEVirg is even more depressing than snohwomen. We should give up on people, the animals and birds have probably had it, maybe the bugs have a chance.” She’s right, of course. I was going to take a sabbatical today. Only the spirit of Emily LaTella keeps me going. I hope Patti won’t quit. She actually researches her posts.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Finally Some Good News- Bare breasts get New York woman $29,000.

"A New York woman recently agreed to a $29,000 legal settlement with city officials regarding her decision to bare her breasts in public nearly two years ago. . . . the settlement as part of her lawsuit for an August 2005 arrest for indecent exposure.
A New York appeals court ruled in 1992 that women should be legally allowed to bare their chests just as men are."

Collateral Damage

"A US led attack in Afghanistan left seven children dead from an air strike.
The US-led coalition stated that they had solid intelligence that there were Al Qaeda fighters in a safe house in eastern Afghanistan which they absolutely had to take out. The complex where the safe house was though was also near a mosque and a religious school."

Sir Salman

“Our loyal ally’s reaction is a bit disconcerting. See, Rushdie's knighthood 'justifies suicide attacks' . . . Pakistani MPs have voted unanimously to condemn the knighthood awarded to Sir Salman Rushdie, amid growing Muslim opposition to Britain's decision to honour the novelist.”
Glad were not still bogged down in Iraq.
Have I suggested reading The End of Faith by Sam Harris? I haven’t read his Letter to a Christian Nation. Click here for reviews.

"Honor" Killings

Are Arkansas's Elephants Endangered?

I know Tom Riddle, but did not remember Scott Riddle from the Discovery Channel show about his elephants until I heard from J. There’s apparently more to the story than was shown. I can’t say it any better than J. did: "If you want to get on a soap box, please do so about one 'Scott Riddle,' AKA: 'Elephant Man.' He was in the Democrat Gazette last week...Seems that there were negotiations going on in which the State was considering assisting him along with some 'Elephant Protection Project' (the word "protection is truly a misnomer as it would NOT be a sanctuary but rather a breeding and RESEARCH facility.) Negotiations were to buy him out of his so-called 'elephant sanctuary' (my ass) for 3.6 million. Problem is (which was NOT in the paper articles) Scott Riddle has literally banned from handling England's elephants, run out of California and busted killing elephants through electrical prods. Man is a true monster. Killed an elephant named Twinkles in Garden City, Kansas with an anal hot shot. He also trains for circuses...'Nuff said."

Friday, June 15, 2007

Nurses Come To The Aid Of Their Country Again- Corroborate "Sicko."

"The California Nurses Association and National Nurses Organizing Committee are planning a 'Scrubs for Sicko" campaign to place a handful of caregivers in every cineplex showing the film.

The nurses, who will be in their uniforms, want to greet filmgoers after the film to answer questions, offer corroboration for the movie's stories and hand out guides for contacting lawmakers about supporting universal medical care."

Bye Bye Birdies.

Click on the pictures to hear them sing. You won’t hear them in the wild any more in most places.
Bobwhite, & Meadowlark, you were two of my favorites during my youth. I haven’t seen either of you in years. We couldn’t wipe you out by hunting, but are getting you with our lifestyles.

"The results of a study by the Audubon Society reveal that the population of common birds like the Northern Bobwhite, the Eastern meadowlark, the loggerhead shrike and the field sparrow is on the decline. Twenty species of birds in the U.S have been reduced to half their populations in the past forty years. Horizontal spreading of suburbs, increase in farming and climatic changes have been held responsible for the reduction." From Common birds on the decline by Keerat

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fred Thompson-All Hat No Cattle II.

". . .Fred Thompson . . . spent 18 years working as a highly paid lobbyist, wore well-tailored suits and drove a black Lincoln Continental. When he ran for the Senate, however, his campaign reinvented him as a good old boy: it leased a used red pickup truck for him to drive, dressed up in jeans and a work shirt, with a can of Red Man chewing tobacco on the front seat. But Mr. Thompson’s strength, says Lanny Davis in The Hill, is that he’s 'authentic.' Oh, and as a candidate George W. Bush was praised as being more authentic than Al Gore." from Authenticity By Paul Krugman

Speaking of W., at least one person understands.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Huckabee: Guantanamo Not As Bad As It Seems. Virgil: Huckabee Is As Bad As He Seems.

“Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, . . . who was Arkansas governor until January, says . . . the U.S. prison at the Naval base in Cuba is better than many prisons in the United States & says American prisoners most likely would prefer Guantanamo to incarceration in Arkansas.” That’s like saying Huckabee is not as bad as Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, or Pat Robertson. Maybe not, but who is? The Arkansas prison system was murdering prisoners and torturing them with beatings, electric shock to genitals, etc. before Gitmo was a gleam in Bush’s eye. There was “the daily use of ‘the Strap’ that took the skin from human flesh in frighteningly large strips, and . . the ‘Tucker Telephone’ that was wired to prisoners' testicles and was then cranked to generate electricity ‘to make the call.’ . . the endless other abuses and murders . . .” See, MURDERED BY ARKANSAS. For a movie version, see this clip from Brubaker. The entire Arkansas prison system was declared unconstitutional, but with folks like Mike, George W., and his appointees to the federal courts, maybe we can recreate the good old days. “Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has said Guantanamo should be closed and others have criticized the federal government for holding suspects indefinitely and apparently without evidence. Huckabee says he understands these concerns, but the prison should remain open and the detainees remain in custody.”

Lieberman's Demands for War in Iran are Cowardly

This Bush lapdog is still in the Senate thanks in part to “Democratic” Senators Mark Pryor, Ken Salazar, Tom Carper, Barack Obama, and Ben Nelson who supported Lieberman against the Democrat who beat him in the primary.
For more info on the looming Iran fiasco & to make your voice heard see

Should Injured People Have Access To Our Courts? Depends On Whose Ox Is Being Borked.

Judge Robert Bork, a leading advocate of restricting plaintiffs' ability to recover through tort law, is seeking $1,000,000 in compensatory damages, plus punitive damages, after he slipped and fell at the Yale Club of New York City. He injured his head and left leg. He alleges that the Yale Club is liable for the $1m plus punitive damages because they "wantonly, willfully, and recklessly" failed to provide staging which he could climb safely. See, Leading Conservative Activist Seeks Punitive Damages

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people would appreciate Bush

Only if the attacks would kill the 3/4 of the population who aren't blindly loyal and know that Bush is an arrogant, ignorant, buffoon who has killed a bunch of folks for nothing and made us less safe.

Bush's War

Some people have to die horrible deaths-sometimes in defense of their country and sometimes for no reason at all. It's always a tragedy, but when the deaths spring from a misguided policy that makes our country weaker and allows terrorists free reign in other parts of the world, the tragedy is compounded. Thanks to Patti for the tip. result

The God Squad-God Was Hillary Clinton's Other Man-& John Edwards's & Barack Obama's Main Man.

"I'm not sure I would have gotten through it without my faith,". . .I'm very grateful that I had a grounding in faith that gave me the courage and the strength to do what I thought was right." Hillary Clinton

"When Elizabeth and I lost our son, we were nonfunctional for some period of time and it was the Lord that got me through that," John Edwards

"There is a biblical injunction that I see to make sure that, those young men and women [ prison inmates] have an opportunity to right their lives. . . I also would like to see executives recognize that when they're getting as much in one day as their average worker is getting in an entire year that there is a moral element to that." Barack Obama

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Third Of June, Another Sleepy Dusty Delta Day.

Happy Birthday Dale. You may not be an old big boy any more, but you still play loud, though it's a different tune. The members & fans of Fifth Avenue Pharmacy, River City, and later bands with which you have been associated salute you. You've done good.

Also on this day, Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge. Click here to hear Bobbie sing about it.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Profanity-It's Not Just For Republicans Anymore.

"If President Bush and Vice President Cheney can use vulgar language, then the government cannot punish others for doing the same thing on television.
That, in essence, was the decision on Monday, when a federal appeals court struck down the government policy of fining stations and networks that broadcast shows containing profanities." If Bush and Cheney Can Curse …By Kate Phillips

Pigs for Peace

Virgil has always believed in the downright goodness and purity of hogs. He has been concerned that some Muslims, Jews, & Texans have been unable to know God because of their ignorance about this noble being. See, "How Bout Them Hogs?"
A great cultural leap has been taken. The largest hog in the world is now in Iraq thanks to our boys in Det 1 Co -C 1-111th Air Ambulance (Razorback Medevac) in Tamil, Iraq. If this catches on, and we can get respect for the hog in Mecca, Tel Aviv, & Crawford we’ll be on our way to world peace.

Welcome Back Jack

Dr. Kervorkian served over 8 years in prison for relieving suffering. He helped those who couldn’t help themselves die with dignity. He did break the law and was willing to accept the consequences. He is unrepentant. Though Virgil thinks he’s a hero, he also believes in the rule of law. If it is going to be the government’s decision instead of the individual’s as to whether that individual may die, maybe we should have the death penalty for any who attempts or assists in an attempt to commit suicide. Maybe we should have the death penalty for everything. It would prevent a lot of suicides and abortions. Hang a few speeders from the yard arm, and we’ll have safer highways, and save a bunch on prisons.