Monday, June 18, 2007

Are Arkansas's Elephants Endangered?

I know Tom Riddle, but did not remember Scott Riddle from the Discovery Channel show about his elephants until I heard from J. There’s apparently more to the story than was shown. I can’t say it any better than J. did: "If you want to get on a soap box, please do so about one 'Scott Riddle,' AKA: 'Elephant Man.' He was in the Democrat Gazette last week...Seems that there were negotiations going on in which the State was considering assisting him along with some 'Elephant Protection Project' (the word "protection is truly a misnomer as it would NOT be a sanctuary but rather a breeding and RESEARCH facility.) Negotiations were to buy him out of his so-called 'elephant sanctuary' (my ass) for 3.6 million. Problem is (which was NOT in the paper articles) Scott Riddle has literally banned from handling England's elephants, run out of California and busted killing elephants through electrical prods. Man is a true monster. Killed an elephant named Twinkles in Garden City, Kansas with an anal hot shot. He also trains for circuses...'Nuff said."

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