Saturday, June 02, 2007

Pigs for Peace

Virgil has always believed in the downright goodness and purity of hogs. He has been concerned that some Muslims, Jews, & Texans have been unable to know God because of their ignorance about this noble being. See, "How Bout Them Hogs?"
A great cultural leap has been taken. The largest hog in the world is now in Iraq thanks to our boys in Det 1 Co -C 1-111th Air Ambulance (Razorback Medevac) in Tamil, Iraq. If this catches on, and we can get respect for the hog in Mecca, Tel Aviv, & Crawford we’ll be on our way to world peace.


Lessie said...

Now you've gone and done it, Virg! Those UA lawyers will be all over those troops by Monday, demanding money for infringement of the sacred registered trademark. And I am sure those Muslims are as happy about having a big pig in their midst as Houston Nutsack was about having his pitcher on a t-shirt.

Virgil said...

In light of Jonah's comment, I have changed the title from "Razorbacks for Peace" to a more universal "Pigs for Peace." The UA lawyers should be thrilled that the Razorback is used here to symbolize the universal pig. Once the Muslims, (and Christians, Buddhists, & Jews for that matter)learn about true swine nature and start to understand and emulate the pig, I'm confident that a more tolerant and peaceful world will emerge. We will develop a sense of humor, and learn to laugh at ourselves & will yearn to have our pitchers on t-shirts no only for the humor, but to also foster the free flow of ideas.

Anonymous said...

You got it Virg. We'll all be drinkin that free Bubble Up & eatin that rainbow stew.

Anonymous said...


You will eat, bye and bye,
In that glorious land above the sky;
Work and pray, live on hay,
You'll get pie in the sky when you die.