Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dr. King's speech

I don't want to put words in Glenn Beck's mouth, but my understanding is that he thinks churches should not be involved in social justice. Today is the anniversary of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Maybe someone can enlighten makes sense that we work toward social justice in the name of the Peaceful One. What's Glenn's deal?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Trouble in the McGregor Household.

Fingal & Bonnie McGregor have had a troubled marriage from the start.  It came to a head yesterday.  

Fingal walked into their bedroom with a sheep on a leash and said
"Honey, this is the cow I make love to when you have a headache."

Bonnie, lying in the bed reading a book, looks up and said,"If you weren't such an idiot, you'd know that's a sheep, not a cow."

Fingal replied, "If you weren't such a presumptuous bitch, you'd realize I was talking to the sheep!"

I've recommend counseling.  The McGregor penchant for cross species relationships, is not something that will go away.  Bonnie is going to have to decide whether she can live with it.

There is some good news from Clan McGregor.  Angus & Nanny are doing fine and are expecting another kid this fall.  As previously reported, Billy, their eldest was selected as this year’s King of Puck.

Thanks to Dr. Steve.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Congratulations Mark Howell

My friend Mark Howell, formerly of Pea Ridge and of the Rogers P.D.,  received the Defense Meritorious Service Medal from General Petraeus.  Mark is a fine man as well as a fine soldier.  He never forgets those who have helped him along the way and always gives them credit for his accomplishments.  I'm proud to have mentored him when he was a lad.  Here's part of what he said after receiving the award.  "I have worked for many senior leaders in the Department of Defense and Gen Petraeus has no equal. We as a military and a nation are lucky to have him. And yes Virg I owe this award all to you....."
So true Mark.  We're proud of you.  Keep up the good work.


Some people have called my post below on The Incredible Shrinking Woman "despicable." I assume that they are referring to the reference to James Monroe. He was, I believe, the largest lad on the team in a day when quarterbacks were typically small and all ends large.  Some thought that he was a bully, a brute, and otherwise unlikable character.  Still, his accomplishments must be acknowledged.  He ably led a no talent team to a share of the conference title and put Arkansas on the winning track.  He carried slackers such as Wayne Harris, Lance Alworth and Jim Mooty on his back. “The 1959 Razorbacks lost only to Texas and Ole Miss and beat Georgia Tech in the Gator Bowl to finish 9-2. They tied Texas and TCU for the Southwest Conference title.  Arkansas was on its way to new heights.” 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Incredible Shrinking Woman.

Though I have yet to meet a physically unattractive woman, my ideal has always been Rubens types.  Like Grandpa, I was attracted to women who could put the hay in the barn.  I have been appalled at the shrinking of women in recent years. For example, the St. Pauli Girl used to be hefty enough to carry eight full stone steins without breaking a sweat.  Now, she’s a Barbie. 
Rick sent me a  link to playboy bunnies from 1953 to present.  Normally, I would have immediately deleted the email, but, out of anthropological curiosity, I viewed the images of the lasses.  I noticed what I had feared-a steady progression form natural to thin and plastic.  The first was Marilyn Monroe, lover to a president, and sister to James the quarterback for the 57, 58, & 59 Arkansas Razorbacks.  She was beautiful, but large by today’s standards. (Except in one area that is now often enhanced.)  I yearn for the return of yesteryear.   For other cultural anthropologists only, I'm providing a link.  You may view and compare by clicking here.

We'll Miss You Ivan.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

National City by the Joiner, Arkansas Junior High School Band #53 on Billboard Hot 100 in May 1960.

Cuz's first wife to whom he was never married because she paid the Pope to annul it was from Joiner. They went to Wilson to school so there was no Joiner Jr. Hi. and no Jr. Hi band.  "The record was made by a group of studio musicians led by arranger Ernie Freeman. 'Joiner, Arkansas' was credited because it was the hometown of the co-owner of Liberty Records, the label on which this record was released." 

Thanks to Ken.

Kathlynn Coffey Queen of Puck and Billy McGregor King of Puck for 2010.

On this middle day of the Puck Fair, Virg n Mary congratulate Queen Kathlynn Coffey from Dunmaniheen, Killorglin Queen of Puck 2010 and our own Billy McGregor, oldest son of Angus and Nanny McGregor King of Puck 2010.  

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Pure Trewt About the Immaculate Reception.

Some would call me a fundamentalist because I believe, as Coaches Tillery and Bond did, that learning the fundamentals, as the Saxons learned the shield wall, is essential.  Even the few with exceptional talent must learn them in order to advance to his or her own free form.  Legends lead our yewt to greatness when there is trewt in them.  Recently, some yewts and I discussed “The Immaculate Reception.” Almost all of them believed that the reception involved supernatural forces which allowed Bradshaw’s pass to hang in the air.  Some  thought that Frano Harris took the ball over his shoulder without looking back as these forces guided it into his hands. Some backsliders even thought that it took place  in ‘74.    The trewt is that rookie Franco was in top condition, hustled and followed the football.  He was thus able to scooped up the deflected pig skin before it hit the turf and ran it into the end zone.  Here it is from December 23, 1972.  Let us never forget.

Illegal Immigration is a Complex Issue.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Judge Benjamin Assigned to Endangered Species Case-Are We Headed to Armagayddon?

"If an openly gay judge can rule on same-sex marriage, we should just let cases about endangered species be decided by a manatee." Stephen Colbert 
Guess what Stephen, Judge Benjamin (pictured at left) is going to do exactly that.  
To add insult to injury, Judges Walker & Benjamin were appointed first by Regan and then by Bush.               
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
How to Ruin Same-Sex Marriages
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News


If You Can't Deal With the Cold, Hard, Fair & Balanced, Colbert Facts, Try This Pablum.

Arthur Mitchell 1949-2010

Friday, August 06, 2010

Stacy Westfall Doesn't Even Have to Whisper.

Stacy Westfall, the young woman riding the horse, is in her 20's - her dad had died just 44 days before this performance.  Notice that it is just she and the horse - no bit, no saddle.  She just uses signals and cues, she stays mute.  Oh yeah, this isn't even her horse.  She is training it for someone else, although she obviously has a relationship with this one.  

Thanks to Lynn

Uncle Jay Explains Recess, etc.

Play this video

Thanks to Garry

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Rogers to Change Name to East Gravette.

Gravette city council member, Kurt Maddox, plans to run for mayor of Rogers.  Maddox just finished a race for Congress and loved campaigning.   His pledge to change the town’s name to “East Gravette” is not just premature home sickness according to Maddox. “I love this city and it deserves a name we  can all be proud of,” he said. 
Maddox considered running for mayor of Gravette, where he lives, but decided to go for the big kielbasa.   He is going to move from Gravette into one of his two spec houses in Rogers which have been empty since he built them some two years ago.   
 Two locals were so impressed with this “move” that they agreed to serve on his committee.   One of the two said, “More than any other time in the history of Rogers, we need someone to with the foresight to find a use for a house he can’t sell and to pick an office that can be a stepping stone for higher office in the next election and pays more money than his home town would.   Rogers is, and has been for the last 30 years, totally lacking in mayoral talent.   It would benefit from having Kurt Maddox as our Mayor.”  The other was thrilled with Maddox’s plan to change the name of Rogers to East Gravette.  “Rogers has gotten stale and needs change. ‘East Gravette’ is just what we need to revitalize this old town," he said.