Virgil posts this to out this radical group to the public and to NSA. Statements like the following chap ole Virg's hide. “Who’d have thought that career spooks would have moral qualms about deceiving the American people? And what is a president to do about it? Simple: make the critical agents leave, and fill their slots with Bush/Cheney loyalists. Then again, why not simply replace the entire organization? That is essentially what both Rumsfeld at the DoD and newly minted Director of National Intelligence John are doing—they want to move intelligence analysis into the hands of people that they can control, so the next time they lie about an 'imminent threat' nobody’s going to tell. And the press is applauding the move as a ‘necessary reform.’ Remember the good old days, when the CIA were the bad guys?"
Top Ten Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State-Hey America! Freedom is just around the corner behind you byAllan Uthman

Our boys in NSA also need to keep a closer eye on the Mexicans. They're talkin a strange language that sounds and looks subversive. I saw this code writing the other day: “Es mejor morir de pie que vivir de rodillas.” I don’t know what it means, but it can’t be good. The dope who wrote it actually signed his name-
Emiliano Zapata Salazar. He’s pictured here.
If you see him contact the authorities immediately.
For another view see Patti's
Why does my new meter reader look like a Navy Seal . . .
Yo tengo este http://www.globalgallery.com/mount/022-30102/ en mi oficina.
Beautiful painting. That you have it in your office shows that you have taste, passion, and a social coincidence. I almost hate to turn you in.
Go ahead, turn me in. They'll send me back, believe me ... THEY don't want me.
1. I believe you. I don't think I'll even bother. It would only hurt the cause.
2. I meant social conscience not social coincidence-not that it makes a difference.
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
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