Many believe it's is up to the President to destroy any good will we may have built up in the world. Bell proves that private industry can help.
Great pic of the Cobra, AH-1W Virg. He's carrying 16 Hellfire missles on the wings, but I can't tell whether the ones on the wingtip points are Stingers or Sidewinders. The turret under his nose is the 30mm chain gun.
What's all this fuss I keep hearing about violins on television? Why don't parents want their kids to see violins on television? I thought the Leonardo Bernstein concerts were just lovely, now, if they only show violins on television after ten o'clock at night, the little babies will all be asleep and they won't learn any music appreciation. They'll learn to play guitars, and bongo drums and go to Africa and join these rock'n roll outfits and they won't drink milk! I think there should be more violins on television and less game shows, it's terrible the way...
Great pic of the Cobra, AH-1W Virg. He's carrying 16 Hellfire missles on the wings, but I can't tell whether the ones on the wingtip points are Stingers or Sidewinders. The turret under his nose is the 30mm chain gun.
What's all this fuss I keep hearing about violins on television? Why don't parents want their kids to see violins on television? I thought the Leonardo Bernstein concerts were just lovely, now, if they only show violins on television after ten o'clock at night, the little babies will all be asleep and they won't learn any music appreciation. They'll learn to play guitars, and bongo drums and go to Africa and join these rock'n roll outfits and they won't drink milk! I think there should be more violins on television and less game shows, it's terrible the way...
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