Monday, April 03, 2006

Say It Ain’t So John

John McCain says he longer considers evangelist Jerry Falwell to be one of the ‘agents of intolerance’ that he criticized during a previous White House run.” “ . . McCain recently agreed to speak at Falwell's Liberty University . . .He stood by his choice yesterday after being reminded of some of Falwell's positions, such as blaming 9/11 on God's anger over ‘the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians.’"

I knew Maeyken Wens, John, and believe me, you’re no Maeyken Wens.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing, but not surprising what a politician will do to get a Presidential nomination.
Good ol' John is about a Fundamentalist like W is a "Compassionate Conservative".
When it comes to National politics,"A rose by any other name..."
What this country needs is restoration of "checks and balances". Since we can't seem to create a viable "Third Party", guess we better vote for any Democrat that runs for National office.

Patti said...

"[CBS reporter] Borger ignored reports that, as chairman of the Indian Affairs Committee, McCain steered the Abramoff investigation away from examining any potential wrongdoing by his Republican colleagues." from