Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Bush & Neocons Fear For White House Traditions If Romney Elected

“I have no problems with Jews, Arabs, or Mormons, but I fear for our Easter Egg Roll if Romney, or any other non-Christian takes over the White House,” George W. Bush announced yesterday. “This is not against Mormons, but the tradition has already been damaged by the queers. I’d feel the same way about Joe Lieberman if he had a Chinaman’s chance,” Bush added. Bush said that he admired the Mormons’ balls for not admitting blacks to the priesthood until 1978. He agrees with “the Mormon belief that some Native Americans are actually members of the Lost Tribe of Israel, among other things. Don't misunderstand, I'm not putting down the Mormon religion & I would personally have no problem whatsoever voting for a Mormon candidate. However, . . . Mormons are a strange cult.”

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