This doesn not apply to Virg, but the rest of you need to listen up.
“Democrats see Republicans as a collection of pampered rich people who selfishly seek to cut their own taxes, allied with religious fundamentalists who want to use government power to impose a narrow brand of Christianity on everyone else.
Republicans see Democrats as godless, overeducated elitists who sip lattes as they look down their noses at the moral values of "real Americans" in "the heartland" and ally themselves with "special interest groups" that benefit from "big government."
Notice that each side is waging a class war in condemning the other as nauseatingly privileged. Yes, these are both parodies. But parodies are weapons in political battles, so it's important to assess the relative truth of each side's claims.”
What Kind of Hater Are You? By E. J. Dionne Jr.
“The longer Bush has been in office, the more apparent the mismatch between his optimistic words and his edgy demeanor has become. As a result, his decline in stature may be as irreversible as Reagan's was reversible. After rebounding from Iran-Contra, Reagan left office with an approval rating of 68 percent, a level exceeded by no other president in the history of polling. But even though Bush is unlikely to challenge that record, his legacy may be no less important. It's just that it will be written in a Republican Congress and a conservative Supreme Court rather than in his own reputation.”
Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and the Power of GOP Optimism, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Chronicle Review By Michael Nelson
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