Monday, March 06, 2006

The Dire Problem of Dildos in Tennessee & It’s Not Even Christmas

“ . . . lawmakers . . .can't find enough serious problems to address, so they've turned their minds to sex, specifically sex toys. For unknown reasons, [ Legislators] have been thinking a lot about the activities going on your bedroom. They have come to the conclusion that Tennessee will be a better place to live if the state regulates your bedroom by outlawing dildos.
Dildos today, mandatory missionary position tomorrow.” TENNESSEE GUERILLA WOMEN

“This bill is not targeted at Bill O'Reilly.

* Bill O'Reilly will always be welcome to visit Tennessee.
* Nothing in this bill prevents Bill O'Reilly from bringing his ReamMaster 5000 into the state as long as it is for his own personal use.
* Although Mr. O'Reilly will be unable to buy a sexual device in Tennessee, there is nothing in the bill that bars him from buying batteries for any device he brings with him.”
General JC Christian, patriot

Maybe they ort to take on self abuse sans toys first. That it causes palm hair, warts, and blindness is well known but few know that it can cause one to become unbalanced like this poor fellow.

On another note, South Dakota freak wants women on their knees.


Anonymous said...

I'm in no danger of ending up like that poor unbalanced feller. That's the only thing I do left handed.

Anonymous said...

Lol that is way too close to the bone in this day and age. But hey It's not like I am complaining :)

Have a good one