Beloved, Cynthia, Dana, Bruce

Tim, Kim, Nancy, Jim & Mechnical "W."

Harry, Jim,Don, Elmer
See, Virg n’ Mary for more Details.
I'm one of the Snoddys who thinks we ran enough after Bannockburn had settled in, but there's a bunch of us that still do it. If you're the type, please join my cousin Fergus at his run.
I'm one of the Snoddys who thinks we ran enough after Bannockburn had settled in, but there's a bunch of us that still do it. If you're the type, please join my cousin Fergus at his run.

looks like I missed a great party. However, I have no intention of doing this again as it is clear that most of the participants are cheaters. Anyone can do this if they train for it. It is guys like Jim (who looks like the dropped five pounds in the event) and I and most of the other members of the peakerwood teams for that matter that are the true competitors with grit.
Within three or four blocks I had an amorphous pain in the ball of my left foot. Within another block I had a pain in the low back. By mile six (when cheater Dave Bourne) past me, I was nursing a complaining ankle. How do you compare the perseverance it takes to do seven miles out of shape against those gazelles that sprinted by me while I was waiting for my hero Dana to show up with the gizmo?
So when they have one where everyone agrees to not practice before hand, let me know and I will enter on a level playing field.
Bruce is correct, of course, that cheaters- those who take drugs and/or
train- dominate the sport. That is precisely why we must continue. We can't let them win. Think of the children!
Hey! Good for you marathoners! Filling your belly with helium was a brilliant ploy, probably illegal though.
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