"Endangered Florida panthers are being crowded out of their habitat in Florida. Some suggest bringing the panthers to the Ozarks, where they once lived. But Arkansas wildlife officials aren't crazy about the idea, saying the panthers would be a threat.”
Arkansas Isn't Wild About Panther Proposal,
All Things Considered, March 21, 2006, Story, by Jacqueline Froelich
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife folks believe that without public support the reintroduction would not be successful. Unfortunately, they define “public support” as approval from the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission. They will object, confusing the Florida Panther with the Western mountain lion. Florida Panthers are shy, smaller, look different, and do not attack humans. They keep the deer population healthy and keep feral hogs in check. See,
Only about 80 Florida Panthers Remain in the Wild; and
Help Save the Florida Panther Arkansas Farm Bureau is opposed to being good stewards of the environment as usual. See,
Feeding the Rat - Congress and Lobbyists and
Nice Try Erik. This is a native species that we killed off. Please help save them. Game & Fish will meet in May to discuss it. Please contact them individually at keoff@futura.net, esn@jlj.com, svarnell@alltel.net, Freddie.black@simmonsfirst.com,
HRCHCasey@aol.com, johnbenjamin@alltel.net, gdunklin@dunklingrain.com, kgsmith@uark.edu, and information@agfc.state.ar.us.
Response from
Chairman Mike Freeze:
From: "keoff"
Subject: Re: Florida Panther Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 11:42:27 -0600
Dear Mr. Snoddy:
The panthers in Florida have already been intentionally contaminated
with "western" panther genes due to animals stocked by the USFWS so
some believe that a distinct sub-species no longer exists. These same
animals have also been contaminated with genes from South American
cats. We already have a few "western" panthers in Arkansas so why stock more of the same sub-species?
Finally, panthers have attacked humans and livestock in California and
other western states and I would hate to be the one that had to explain to a
grieving parent why we stocked the panther that killed his or her child.
Finally, if we allow the stocking of "Florida panthers" that are protected
by the Endangered Species Act then the state would be relinquishing our
ability to mange these animals to the USFWS and I am concerned that a
debacle would ensue much like what has occurred with the reintroduction of
the Canadian timber wolf in the western states. These are just my thoughts
on this subject.
Chairman Mike Freeze
From: "Virgil Snoddy"
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 10:15 AM Subject: Florida Panther
Florida panthers are shy creatures that we have exterminated. They
have never attacked humans. Do you have information to the
contrary? I just don't understand AG&F's position.
Is the Chairman confusing Florida Panthers the also rare Bengal tiger?