Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Some Intelligence afterall ...

Occasionally our judicial system DOES work! Judge Jones should be applauded in showing some REAL intelligence. After all, "Intelligent Design" is just creationism and religion in disguise ... and certainly does not belong in a science classroom. The people in Pennsylvania should finally have something to be proud of! Kansas ... take note!


Anonymous said...

When Henry VI said 'First lets kill all the lawyers" he was meaning, to take over the govt, and get rid of people's rights. The system would work even better if the Chamber of Commerce, insurance companies, Pat Robertson types, and their lackeys such as George W. Bush and his ilk would quit tampering with it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I liked the Judge's unrestrained blasting of those behind the ID push. It was refreshing to have the poor, persecuted, self-righteous victim pose that the Christian-far-right adopts brushed aside. To have him accuse them of outright lying and so on made my day; too often the Bushies/far-righters seem to ignore/slip away from a situation which reveals their wrong doing. For once they got squarely stopped cold.

(I commented about the Zoro thing as 'anonymous' but you can call me pie-cruster)

Virgil said...

Thanks for sharing more of yourself Pie-cruster. I think I remember you from the Simpsons. In any event, you have inspired me to add to my profile, and I'm a very private person.