Thursday, December 15, 2005

Misquoting Jesus

“Scholar Bart Ehrman's new book explores how scribes -- through both omission and intention -- changed the Bible. Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why is the result of years of reading the texts in their original languages.”

From Fresh Air from WHYY, December 14, 2005


Anonymous said...

The King James Bible is the original version in the original language and it’s all our church uses. If the Johnny Come Lately scribes had stuck with it, we wouldn’t have all this confusion, and Mr. Ehrman would be out of a job.

Anonymous said...

It's also good to remember what your children really need especially at holiday time. See, Max Ernst's depiction at
Though the Catholics excommunicated him, his theme is scriptural.

Anonymous said...

You are probably not the dumbest or even the most ignorant person around, but certainly one of the most blind and self absorbed. Did you even read the accompanying text?

Anonymous said...

The pervert was probably too busy loping his mule to read the text.

Anonymous said...

I agree that, at times, spanking is appropriate. It should never be the primary means of discipline. Children don’t need to be treated more severely holiday time. They need love and discipline as at other times, but, they should be given more slack to celebrate freely. I’m sure that you have the best of intentions, but those who were treated severely as children tend to pass it on to future generations. For your sake and your children’s, please look at this.
Mary, and Chris:
Dobson may be misguided, but that does not make him a pervert. Ridiculing him won’t help. I also disagree with the accompanying “text.” The Virgin Mary is not beating the child “ mercilessly.” If a spanking was called for, she is appropriately using her hand, and he is not bruised.

Anonymous said...

I agree with April about the “text.” The expression on Mary’s face appears serene, not severe. Her halo is still in place. The Jesus Child’s halo fell to the floor because he was a normal human child and it surely fell often. I don’t believe in hitting children-ever, but spanking was considered appropriate in the respective cultures and times of Jesus and Ernst. As Holy Mother, of course Mary could spank God. He wouldn’t have needed a mother if he had been placed here as omniscient and omnipotent. Jesus’s travails, suffering, and sacrifices would mean nothing if he had not been, at least in part, human.

Anonymous said...

I choose to agree with Sarah, but who knows what Ernst was thinking. He was a wonderful artist. A more clear version, along with some of his other work can be found at

Anonymous said...

PLEASE DON'T DO THE “NAUGHTY AND NICE” THING WITH YOUR CHILDREN! Never exclude a child from the holidays because of improper behavior. Don’t pretend that you are going to do so to keep them in line. Don’t even joke about it. Show them affection matter how they have acted. Children, and adults, need to know that they are loved unconditionally. They are given presents because this is the season to give and they are important. They receive gifts because they are your children and you love them. Like grace, gifts are not earned.