Monday, March 01, 2010

Protect Family Values-Kiss a Liberal.

Ole Virg don't cotton to IQ tests, but he does believe in family values and can't let this one pass. 
Liberals have, on average higher IQs and liberal men are more likely to be monogamous than their conservative counterparts. Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ By Elizabeth Landau, CNN
" . . .  more-intelligent people are more likely to say they are liberal. They are also less likely to say they go to religious services. These aren't entirely new findings; last year, for example, a British team found that kids with higher intelligence scores were more likely to grow into adults who vote for Liberal Democrats, even after the researchers controlled for socioeconomics." Study: Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives? By John Cloud

Quiz-Is the guy in the picture liberal or conservative?


Dena said...

He thinks, therefore he is (a liberal).

Patty Poo said...

Well, In my opinion....He is a LIBRA you know that whole can't make up his mind thing... and then he is a man and he could be male too...yes...I think he is a male chauvenit pig. Thanks for asking... Oh did I spell everything right? It could be spelled 'shovin it', OH, Lordy... just not sure. Customer Opinion Surveys always contort me! Bye!