Wednesday, August 20, 2008

McCain Doesn't Know How Many Homes He Has. Out of Touch and Senile?

Interviewer: How many houses do you have?"

John McCain: "I'm not sure, I'll have to check with my staff"

"Later, the McCain campaign told Politico that McCain and his wife, Cindy, have at least four in three states — Arizona, California and Virginia. Newsweek recently estimated the two owned at least seven properties.
Last week McCain cracked that being rich in the U.S. meant earning at least $5 million a year. With most Americans feeling the pinch of a worsening economy, the remarks allow Democrats to suggest that McCain cannot relate to ordinary voters.
It's also another example of how McCain, nearly 72, can be fuzzy and forgetful on some facts." Obama raps McCain for ignorance of his own houses By MATT APUZZO

Without a grasp of basic facts (even where he lives) and a cold war mentality, this man is dangerous. His staff is suspect too. It would also be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for McCain to have any empathy for ordinary folks. Obama has been poor. The money that he does have, he earned. He, unlike McCain neither inherited nor married it.

He is in touch with these guys.

But not with us:


Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

Did his wife buy him this nom???? Just wonder'n......kind a looks more and more like it every day cuz I CAN NOT figure out HOW IN THE HECK this guy got the nod!

Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...


Anonymous said...

How come houses have become an issue all of a sudden? Why is that? It's passing strange that John and Teresa Kerry's houses weren't an issue in 2004--all five of them worth over $29 Million. You can see them for yourself--


Anonymous said...


1. Kerry knew how many homes he had without prompting from his staff or Joe Lieberman.

2. Kerry lost in part because he had such extreme wealth, as McCain does, that he was considered out of touch even if he wasn't senile.

Anonymous said...

Forget the houses, he does not know the borders for Iran, a country he has advocated might need to be bombed. He can't keep the Shia and Sunni separate from Al quaeda or one another. He admits he knows nothing about economics, which in the end means he knows nothing about foreign policy. He wants to continue a war that clearly needs to be ended.

He is a nice man, with good instincts, but mediocre intellect who got himself shot down in a lost war, which he boot strapped into a senate seat. His primary distinction is being a vocal dissenter in his own party from time to time.

He has no real vision for the country, his handlers are cooking that up for him as they go. His only vision is of himself being president, a job which for him really means being commander-in-chief, which means we are going to continue with a belligerent foreign policy and spend limited national resources on foreign military adventures beyond what is necessary. Another cowboy.

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I don't remember the subject of how many houses Kerry had coming up. McCain wasn't confused about Sunni and Shia; if you look at the text of the statement, that's clear. Same for the economics reference. Obama doesn't even know how many states there are in the US. Maybe he was thinking about John Kerry's ketchup.