Monday, August 25, 2008

What Are We Thinking If At All?-Notes From Folks More Noble In Reason Than Most.

Why is it, my Learned Friend, that with all the dissatisfaction over the economy in general, gas prices, the war in Iraq, banking and foreclosure disasters, that the Democratic candidate and his newly announced VP candidate, can do no better than a dead heat in the latest polls with McMore of the Same?
Why? Why? Maybe its because they don't have James Carville.
'It's STILL the economy, stupid'.
Somebody better take charge of that campaign, or as Archie Bunker said, "They are going down the terlet.” From John
“Adam was but human-this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple's sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden. The mistake was in not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent.”From Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar
What A Piece Of Work We Are.


Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

You want to know the problem; here's the truth-----I'm sorry, but O'bama's not even think'n......Biden????? WTF???? Don't even bring up James Carville, cuz if you want Carville taken charge, he'd probably have told NoBama to choose Hillary.....I still can't beleive he did that.....Now, as far as I'm concernced, NoBama Sucks too! I'm crawl'n under a rock for the next 3 months......

Anonymous said...

Biden is a good choice, and they can't poll people who use only a cell phone.

Anonymous said...

Now Sally if you can't get your mind around something bigger than being a Hillary groupie then maybe under a rock is a fitting place for you. You can likely find lots of small minds there equally focused on small personal worlds.

She would not have picked him. It does not work that way. Everyone must realize that it would set Obama up for a Bush/Chaney situation with a constant battle being run about who's administration is it. No one should want that.

There are real issues in the world. There are wars and threats of wars, people loosing their lives and limbs. The economy is going down the drain and is dependent on unfriendly nations for energy sustenance. The seas are being polluted, the atmosphere is being changed and we have a government that lies to us and does not respect basic human rights. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Forget the houses, he does not know the borders for Iran, a country he has advocated might need to be bombed. He can't keep the Shia and Sunni seperate from Al quaeda or one another. He admits he knows nothing about economics, which in the end means he knows nothing about foreign policy. He wants to continue a war that clearly needs to be ended.

He is a nice man, with good instincts, but mediocre intellect who got himself shot down in a lost war, which he boot strapped into a senate seat. His primary distinction is being a vocal desenter in his own party from time to time.

He has no real vision for the country, his handlers are cooking that up for him as they go. His only vision is of himself being president, a job which for him really means being commander-in-chief, which means we are going to continue with a beligerent foreign policy and spend limited national resources on foreign military adventures beyond what is necessary. Another cowboy.

Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

To Anon: posted @3:21pm yesterday....for one, I like it under a rock sometimes cuz I don't have to deal with the "REAL WORLD" you so terribly paint! And also, if you really want to get technical, if just HALF of the Dems would quit exchanging money for votes and favors and put their money into the economy, cleaning up the seas, feeding the U.S. POOR, etc..... then maybe, and just MAYBE things will change!! But you know what, I AM in reality, and it's not gonna change; OR DO YOU SEE IT CHANGING??? WITH THE POST THAT YOU OH SO WELL PROSED....?? THE PESSIMISTIC ATTITUDE OF YOUR COMMENT?????? So maybe YOU NEED TO CRAWL UNDER THAT ROCK WITH ME!!!! It's really nice there.....

Anonymous said...

It seem to me that all you blue heelers or is red dog demos need to stop all your postulating(whatever that means) about how bad Bush is and how that McCain will be the same, and get out there and get us some real candidates. From what I have seem of the Demo convention and it will probably be the same with the pubs, just let the lobbiest run the country. They seem to be doing a pretty good job or should I say a shi--y job, depends on whether you are blue or red I guess. We could take all that money that they spend on the just right aged wine and the spoons they have ordered and put that money in the coffers. The money could be used to force the tree huggers to go underground. We could
build some refineries and drill up North. All you lawyers should get off your fat butts (that is all but one) and get out there and get us a decent candidate. Until then "VOTE GREEN."

Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

Coal Miner's Daughter:
Your Preach'n to the Quoir!!!