"Tom went into some sort of hyper-tense state that the Canadian agents could smell 10 cars away. . . . He planned to camp overnight, . . . He'd filled the car, as usual, to the roof with photography equipment, maps, bird books, enough power bars to feed Vancouver for a month, loose clothes, and a sleeping bag, tent, and so on. . . . Naturally Canadian Customs took the car apart. They ask him several times if he had any prior convictions -- before this one, he supposed."Messy, sweaty, suspicious people taking pictures -- Must be a terrorist. by Patti How I long for the days when we only had to worry about getting Charlie off the MTA.
Here's another Golden Oldie For What It's Worth.
I'm not for a police state, but with bobbies like that, surely no one would object to their having the authority to detain and spank.
Could be the participants in a porno film instead of terrorists. Remember what that sage philosopher Woody Allen said, "Sex is only dirty, smelly and sweaty if you are doing it right".
I'm not for a police state, but with bobbies like that, surely no one would object to their having the authority to detain and spank.
Could be the participants in a porno film instead of terrorists.
Remember what that sage philosopher Woody Allen said, "Sex is only dirty, smelly and sweaty if you are doing it right".
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