Friday, August 01, 2008

Choosing Hell

from Aug. 12 The Christian Century
Walpola Piyananda, a Sri Lankan who was ordained a Buddhist monk at age 12, studied at Northwestern University and lived on the campus of Garrett Seminary. He says he was treated respectfully by most seminarians except for one, who told him, in front of other students, that as a Buddhist he would land in hell. Piyananda replied that he believed his challenger would go to heaven, but that his "noisy theological disputes" would create a racket that would disturb Piyananda's meditation if he were there too. Piyananda said that "he would voluntarily choose hell, where he might compassionately serve suffering souls." The proselytizing stopped.


Anonymous said...

Please.....don't disturb my meditations.....

Virgil said...

I'm with Walpola Piyananda. Livin next to Floyd, Falwell, Robertson, and Dobson has has to be hell even if it's in heaven

Virgil said...

Sometimes I let my anger get in the way of the most basic and beautiful things. To "compassionately serve suffering souls" is the whole point of Abuelita's post, Christianity and Buddhism. I did have a minor satori experience when I realized how far I missed it. Thanks Abuelita. I needed that.

Anonymous said...

Very Good Abuelita. Check out the Bodhisattva Jizo (Japanese) Ji Jang (Korean), Ksitigarbha (Sanskrit) He goes to Hell to save the suffering souls there... Thus the Kwan Um chant "Ji Jang Bosul"
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is often referred to, because of his vow to not achieve Buddhahood until "all the Hells are empty", as the Bodhisattva of the Hell beings.
What a wonderful post. Thank you very much.