Friday, May 30, 2008

On This Day In 1431 Joan of Arc, Age 19, Was Burned At The Stake .

She had been convicted of heresy by an ecclesiastical court. The conviction was later overturned, but too late for Joan. See, Joan of Arc, Witch and Heretic, Powerful Women Had to Fear the Accusation of Witchcraft From Austin Cline
England, France, and the rest of the civilized world, have since abolished the death penalty. We haven't. I reckon we figure that the innocent we execute will go to heaven anyway. Sometimes we're not very smart.


Anonymous said...

Why didn't the party leaders tell her to drop out because she didn't have a chance?

Anonymous said...

My book about saints says that most of us would get professional help if we started hearing voices telling us to start a war. But sometimes that small still voice in our heart tells us to right a wrong, even if it means doing battle against mighty forces. St. Joan didn't ignore that nudge. When we fuss that we can't fight the armies of bureaucracy & oppression, we could look to Joan's courage and be confident.