Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Almost Heaven?

Being the son of a coal miner’s daughter, and being from a place like West Virginia, I have to love it, probably more than John Denver did. That said, I’m saddened by the results of exit polls in yesterday’s primary. “ . . . West Virginia's voters revealed that they are the most racist in the country so far in the Democratic primaries. Fully 20% of the voters consisted of whites who reported that race was a factor, and they voted for Clinton 84-10 over Obama. . . .What may be most remarkable about these figures is that they show how little history matters in racism. . . West Virginia . . . broke away from Virginia and rejected the Confederacy to remain part of the Union. . . . So why is West Virginia more racist than the former Confederate states? One reason might be lack of contact with blacks. The exit polls indicated that voters were 95% white, and only 3% black. Whites may hold on to bigotry when they rarely encounter blacks and do not have their stereotypes challenged. However, Obama has done very well in other all-white states, including Iowa and Vermont.” West Virginia: Country's Most Racist Voters by John K. Wilson
Wilson did walk on the fightin side of me when he labeled Arkansas “the second most racist state,” but that’s politics.


Anonymous said...

After reading Sally's YAYA'S MUST ARISE AND BE ONE.....I'M GONNA BLAME THIS ONE ON BILL...... my guess is she's going to kick your junky sexist ass over this one. (Beware of the wildcat's revenge) She has Hillary pegged, but accepts the flaws and supports her anyway. Is she a racist?
Abuelita seems to be the most sane of your contributors. I'd like more from her. By the way, what happened to Orve? Does Mojohand really exist?

Abuelita said...

'cuse me...please define racist for me...I'm not from here.
Is that like voting for Obama makes me a racist or voting for Hillary makes me a sexist?
Thank you, anonymous, for thinking I'm sane...And I've wondered about Orve and Mojohand, too.

Anonymous said...

Been to West is beautiful. thanks for the John Denver.
Not to change the subject, but don't we all want to go home to the place where we belong, where we shoulda gone yesterday???

Virgil said...

Anon 12:26:
Sally does have Hillary pegged and is no more a racist than you, me, and Anon 10:45. I wish we all could be as honest as she. Abuelita is grounded and wonderful. Orve claims to be busy. Mojohand is real. He will, I assume, speak when, and if he believes that the rest of us have erred or omitted something.
Anon 10:45:
More truth, but Obama "koolaid" is an invention of opposing forces. He's the real thing as is Hillary.
Racists and Sexists in this political climate appear to be those who are on the other side of the political fence.
Anon 11:11:
You're welcome. I love it too. Yes, "we all want to go home to the place where we belong." My Buddhist, and some Christian friends say that we're already there. The trick is to realize it. No shoulds though.

Anonymous said...

Obama announced today that he has chosen an African American as v.p. to head up the dem ticket.
Repeat that line to your closest "post racial" friends. Then you'll most likey get a better understanding of what racism looks like.
Better yet, substitute, "Hillary has chosen a female as v.p...." and you'll have a better look at what sexism sounds like.
We can't possibly have experienced the racism of the last 2 centuries, and in our generation, the past 50 years, without having absorbed racism. Our challenge is much like alcoholism; if ya ain't ready to admit you got a problem, ya ain't ready to stop drinking.
Abuelita: racism is what the ads for the NRA look like; they never mention race, but most of the criminals faces are those of people of color; racism is what the "society pages" of the paper looks like-the stark absence of people of color in those photos; racism is fear a white man feels when he is walking alone on a sidewalk with several black men coming in the opposite direction;
ditto a white woman; racism is the "Mexicans are taking our jobs" rant here in NW Arkansas, and so on, ad nauseum. Even if racism rarely slips off your tongue, the fact that it's still imbedded in your mind, is racism. We've certainly been presented with an opportunity to acknowledge and think about racism with this election. Hopefully, we will.

Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

Anon 12:26pm
No, I am not a racist....and if I knew who YOU were I'd kick your ever love'n ass for suggest'n such! And furthermore, you're a yellow back, scarredy cat for not posting a name! And by the way, I am REAL! I've got to go now and take my xanex and coffee for the a.m. and quit being bother'd w/ such's way tooo early!