Friday, February 15, 2008

Some voters say sexism less offensive than racism-What's Your Hatred of Choice?

The ignorant, the hate mongers, and the Roveians will make plenty of sexist and racist statements this year. The United States has a chance to stand above it and let them wallow in and drown in their slime. I hope we do it.
Here’s some of the stuff already going around:
"Barack the Magic Negro" Rush Limbaugh
“Will this country want to actually watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?” Rush Limbaugh
“the reason she's a U.S. senator, the reason she's a candidate for president, the reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around.” Chris Matthews
Hillary’s breasts, ankles, and hair have been made issues. Barack has “been called a fundamentalist Muslim even though he's a Christian, and his middle name, Hussein, has been compared to Saddam Hussein.”

Let the games begin.


Anonymous said...


Virgil said...

Anon 9:52:
Thanks for your comment. I too support them both. I hope they and their supporters put the hurtful things which were said in the heat of battle aside and unite in the end.