Friday, February 15, 2008

Huckabee, Never Serious About Being President But Always Serious About Passing the Plate, Is Back On The Money Speaking Circuit.

It is really interesting how the obvious can so often be invisible to so many for so long. See, Huckabee to take break from campaign trail Will leave Wisconsin to give paid speech in Cayman Islands
I mean lets start with the fact that at home Huckabee is known as the "Huckster" - Not surprising for a Baptist preacher turned politician. Does the national media really think he believes the earth is ten thousand years old?
Surely they have no illusion that he ever took this campaign seriously, given his utter lack of qualification for the office. To be qualified to be President you at least have to have wanted the office for awhile, so you can at least get your mind around the challenge. Unlike Bush, who was recruited by would be handlers into the job, Huckabee is too smart to suffer the illusion that he is qualified to be President of the United States. He does not want to be Vice President either, unless maybe he can figure out how to keep the china.
His glib governorship has been distinguished only by his creativity in subtly taping his office for personal financial gain by various sorted means without generating the overtly fetid atmosphere that such shameless pawning of public office would normally be expected to produce. Huckabee in short is a genius at passing the plate. It is the way the man is accustomed to making his living and he has never been shy about admitting it.
Of course, he is also well aware of the gullibility of those who would fill those plates. The religious right is the mother load, the Klondike vein of such gullibility. The mainline Republican Party has been shamelessly manipulating these people for decades. The GOP forgot to run someone who could claim the evangelical vote. So why should Mr. Huckabee not have a turn under the cow if the GOP is not going to use it?
By James The Bruce

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