Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lieberman's A Turd In The Punch Bowl.

See, Lieberman's Biggest Crime Of All by Bob Geiger " . . .deep down, underneath all the words and speeches and photo opportunities with the McCain-Palin ticket, what Lieberman was really after was four to eight more years of neo-conservative Republican rule. At least four more years of the same leadership that made 80 percent of Americans believe the country was on the wrong track. And up to eight, 12 or even 16 more years of the same policies that have driven the United States to the point of social, economic and political ruin. Beyond every outward thing Joe Lieberman did in 2008, he finally came out and admitted through his actions that he is exactly what we've always known he is -- a Republican. That alone disqualifies him from leading a committee in a Democratic Senate or, for that matter, even sitting in the same room with the Democratic caucus. And, for dismissing all of that, 42 Senate Democrats should be profoundly ashamed."


Anonymous said...

I'm with Bob Geiger on that.

Virgil said...

I've changed my mind. I am too.