Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Today Is Autism Awareness Day.

April 2, 2008 is the first World Autism Awareness Day.
". . . since the early 1990's, the rate of autism has increased exponentially around the world . . ."
This is a better look at the Autism Ribbon Sandi referenced in her comment "The autism ribbon features a jig-saw puzzle which reflects the mystery and complexity of Autism Spectrum Disorder. The different colors and shapes represent the diversity of people and families living with Autism. The brightness of the ribbon signals hope--hope thru research and increasing awareness in people who proudly wear it." See, also, 1st EVER Autism Awareness Day....One boy, 3 dogs, 27 years....


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post Virgil.

Anonymous said...

There's an Autism Information Day at the NWA Mall Sat., Apr. 5,
10 a.m.-4 p.m.
There's also a website

Anonymous said...

The autism ribbon features a jig-saw puzzle which reflects the mystery and complexity of Autism Spectrum Disorder. The different colors and shapes represent the diversity of people and families living with Autism. The brightness of the ribbon signals hope--hope thru research and increasing awareness in people who proudly wear it. thanks for the post, Virgil.