Monday, April 14, 2008

John McCain-Straight Shooter No More-Claims Campaign Finace Laws Don't Apply To Him.

". . . John McCain applied for -- and was accepted into -- the public financing system for the primary. With that acceptance came certain requirements, one of those being that he can't spend more than $56,757,500 million during the primary.

As of February 29, 2008 McCain has -- by his own admission -- exceeded that amount. The FEC Chairman David Mason says McCain can't leave the public financing system without permission of the FEC, but John McCain is thumbing his nose at that. He has imperiously announced that the law doesn't apply to him, and is refusing to answer Mason's questions regarding a loan he took out that prevents him from opting out of the public financing system.

Since the FEC doesn't have enough commissioners to take action, having been gutted by Republicans in the Senate who are blocking the appointment of a quorum, the DNC's complaint about this matter has fallen on deaf ears. (We filed a similar complaint.) If the FEC fails to act, the law allows the DNC to file suit compelling them to do so -- which they did today." DNC Files Lawsuit About Campaign Finance Weasel John McCain by Jane Hamsher

Look what they've done to your song John. Tell your handlers you are a man of principle and stick to the rules you helped create. Sing it for him Melanie.

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