Tuesday, April 22, 2008


"Idolatry is the practice of ascribing absolute value to things of relative worth. Under certain circumstances money, patriotism, sexual freedom, moral principles, family loyalty, physical health, social or intellectual preeminence, and so on are fine things to have around, but to make them the standard by which all other values are measured, to make them your masters, to look to them to justify your life and save your soul is sheerest folly.
"- Frederick Buechner Wishful Thinking - Thanks to Rev. Sandi
We might add Bibles & Korans to that list. "The belief in the infallibility of the printed Bible may be the worst heresy to affect the church today." From Bibliolatry -- Bible Worship


Anonymous said...

Who's "we"? I'm not ready to judge as heretics those who interpret Scripture as infallible.
John Wesley followed this approach: "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity." Me, too.

Virgil said...

I was using the royal We. Didn't mean to include you. As you know, I'm quick to judge damn near anyone. I'll work on that.