“whether or not to allow same-sex civil unions will matter more to voters than U.S. job losses.”Arkansas First Lady Janet Huckabee
(Both Quotes from Northwest Morning News March 5, 2004)
President Bush has joined with Pastor Fred Phelps in taking up the fight to save this nation from queers before spending energy on less important issues such as the war in Iraq and those issues mentioned by Pastor Floyd and First Lady Huckabee. Jesus never mentioned homosexuality of any kind even

For more "truth" see, Pat Robertson: Weather Forecaster, Strongest Man Alive, and Pillar of Christian Love & Tolerance & Followers and Gay Marriage - Not on the People's Priority List.
A fiend in need is a fiend in deed.
jesus is coming, hide the porn
You let them gay boys marry and
_spears_moving_forward.html and
http://popsugar.com/7102 and
http://www.jossip.com/gossip/jennifer-lopez/marc-anthony-just-took-out-an-ad-to-say-he-loves-her-20060607.php?rss or even worse ... http://www.vanityfair.com/features/general/
articles/060607fege05 (this is a MUST READ)
Thanks for your insight and support sf3x.
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