This idea apparently comes from a film "
Valley of the Wolves, a movie depicting crazed U.S. troops in Iraq massacring a wedding party and a Jewish doctor removing organs from prisoners . . .by Turkish director Serdan AkarValley . . The movie, which began showings in Germany three weeks ago, has played to sold out audiences since. Over 130,000 people, mostly young Muslims, saw the film in its first five days. The London Telegraph reports Berlin audiences, made up mostly of Turkish young men, clapping furiously when the building housing the U.S. military commander in northern Iraq is blown up and a standing ovation - accompanied by shouts of "Allah is great!" - when the movie's American antagonist, played by Billy Zane, is stabbed in the chest.
‘The Americans always behave like this,' one 18-year-old viewer said. 'They slaughtered the Red Indians and killed thousands in Vietnam. I was not shocked by the film, I see this on the news every day.’
While the film could be dismissed as an action film in which Muslims turn the tables on Rambo, the anti-Semitic element (Jewish in this case) has drawn some of the most serious criticism. The villain of the movie is an American Jewish doctor, played by Gary Busey, who selects Iraqi prisoners, in a manner reminiscent of Nazi concentration camp doctor Joseph Mengele, and removes their organs to sell to rich buyers in the U.S. and Israel.”
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