Thursday, September 18, 2008

Protecting Palin- Letting Her Talk Only to Suitably "Deferential" Members of the Press is Dangerous and Degrades Her, Us, and The Selection Process.

"Until … the news media is going to treat her with some level of respect and deference … it would be foolhardy to put her out into that kind of environment."

McCain campaign manager Rick Davis, on why vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is giving so few interviews to the press

From Newsweek, Perspectives.

We can't let a deferential press give us another Bush. They need to ask tough questions and demand answers. She's a grownup running for the second highest office in the land for God's sake-Not Miss Alaska. With McCain slipping mentally more every day, there is a lot at stake. If she's incapable of standing up to tough questions, "it would be foolhardy to put her" one heartbeat away from the presidency.

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