Thursday, July 17, 2008

Viagra Doesn't Keep Anything About McCain Straight.

The body language express says all you need to know about McCain's position. He should have never hired George W. as his speech coach and ethics guru.


Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

seems to me that Mr. McCain can't get UP an answer.....noth'n is POPPING UP for him to seems his tounge is LIMP and slow to maneuver an answer to the question at seems he's a dead dick, excuse me, dead duck in water! and on and on.......

Anonymous said...

my friend Freddy also tried Viagra to keep him straight but it didn't work on him either. now he's gone to Boston with Teddy.

Anonymous said...

Sally / Charlotte:
Why do you wimmen continually beat up on John McCain?
1. He is a war hero.
2. A congressman with a proven track record.
3. He married a beautiful blond who is a multi-millionair and owns a Budweiser distributorship.
4. He ain't a daymn attorney.
How do ya beat qualifications like that???
Perhaps you wimmen should get back to your cooking and house cleaning and leave the politics to us men folks.

Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

Hootie is sexually frustrated....I can tell....maybe we can talk later!

Virgil said...

Hootie sounds a lot like McCain. Sally, of course he's frustrated. That's what happens when you blow fish.

Anonymous said...

I believe you are in way over your head. Please proceed with caution.

Virg and Sally share the same family name, hence the loyality. Sally may be Virg's wife,ex-wife, sister or she may be his Mutha'. Better not cross one, or you will have a 2 on 1 fight. You will loose, The Snoddy clan does not fight fair!

Charlotte must be too busy cooking and cleaning house to make any comments. I wonder if she is a member of the Snoddy's too.

I also share your enthusiasm about John McCain. Gawd, I wish I could pick wives like he does.

Richard Hedd

Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

For your info, Mr. Richard "Dick" Hedd, I'm NOT Virg's MUTHA, nor his sister, nor his wife, ex....!!!! We may have a long distance kinship from way down the line; however, you better bet your sweet bippy, you'll have a fight on your hands if he's with me or not! Believe me, i can handle my own scraps!!! And as for your McCain LOVE, sounds to me like you have a man crush and you both best be revitaliz'n yourselve's with a good crop of Viagra! Not to mention, how in the hell did ya think McCain bagged that sweet, money bags bitch to begin with???? HUHHHHH??? Viagra and the word, "yes mam"........

Anonymous said...

Hootie honey, I enjoy picking on McCain and all menfolks that pick on women, and it looks like you're one of 'em. Just go ahead and explain what it is you're thinking you're gonna do with Cindy McCain in this little boy fantasy you're having.
Here's the answer to your question about qualifications:
1-don't start a war in the first place; that's a real hero.
2-Proven track record? Depends on the measuring stick.
3-Anyone can marry a rich blonde, I've done it myself.
4-he's worse than an attorney; he's nursing the taxpayers by being a repeat offender politican.
And you're right, I was busy cooking up some pickles this week, but my houseboy was doing the cleaning.
No, I'm nodda a Snoddy, but I've been checking into whether it's legal for straight couple to adopt a lesbian. I'm unsure if the DHS door swings both ways on adoption.
Actually, women make great cooks and we're done leaving the politics to a bunch of nitwits on Viagra.
I've got peaches to can.

Virgil said...

That's tellin him. The very idea of saying that the Snoddy clan does not fight fair! While you're going for his eyes and groin, I'll sneak up behind him and clobber him with a 2x4.
I'm not sure that Fatherland Security allows you to even ask if it's legal for a straight couple to adopt a lesbian. It may violate "Don't ask-Don't tell."
You're an honorary Snoddy, so if they come after ye, we'll be there with you.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Sweet Charlotte,
I truly believe you are getting facts and opinion confused. Not to worry, most wimmen have that problem, especially when talking about politics and other important issues.
Please listen up, while I rip your letter apart:
1-Mac didn't start that horrible war, he was trying to help win.
2-All measuring sticks are created equal...same length.
3-Does your rich blond own a Bud distributorship in Phoenix? Or anywhere else for that matter?
4-Wrong again, ain't nothing worse than an attorney.
5-Cooked gross, puke!
6-If wimmen are such great cooks, why do all the fancy resturants have men Chef's??
7-The Freehold IGA is running a sale on canned Peaches today and tomorrow. If you live in this area, you might just consider purchasing enough to get through the winter. Think of all the time it will save you.

Anonymous said...

Hootie honey,
nothing impresses me more than a good old fashioned letter ripping, except you counted as high as you did since even I know men have trouble measuring things, including politicians. Apparently, your experience in dining, women, peaches and time well spent is severly limited. I'll venture your idea of a lavish dinner is Taco Bell takeout with beer.
The rich blonde wouldn't mess with something mundane like a beer distributorship.
You better watch yourself from now own, 'cause I'm an honorary Snoddy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Charlotte,
Mr. Hedd summed up the situation correctly...I am in waaay over my head with the Snoddys.
I would like to offer you a peace treaty between us. I sincerely think you would be a wonderful friend if given the chance.
Here's what I propose:
If you will journey to Freehold, IA on Sunday, August the third, you could attend worship with Me 'n the little woman. Not only will you get to hear James Dobson preach, you will hear the wonderful choir, led by Mrs. Betty Bowers. If that isn't enought...our guest speaker for the day is none other than Rev-Attorney Fred Phelps from the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS. He is a wonderful speaker, and has done so much for the Afro-American community in the midwest.
I think you will fall in love with Freehold, after all, it is the Cultural Center of the Universe.
I believe that is a wonderful plan, don't you agree.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hate to say this, but I told you so.

Richard Hedd

Anonymous said...

Mr. Richard Hedd:

