Sunday, July 20, 2008

Children & Wildflowers

“I pick a fern to see its spores, cast it away, and am filled in that instant with misgiving: the great sins, so the Sherpas say, are to pick wildflowers and to threaten children.” From The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen
After I read this passage this morning, I accidentally cut down some black eyed susans. I too was filled with misgiving. It was accidental, but as my father, who wouldn't let me hunt with anyone who was not constantly aware of where his gun was pointed, used to say “he wouldn’t shoot you on purpose, but you’d be just as dead. I had not been mindful with the shovel as I had as a child with a gun. I took the blooms inside, handed them to Mary, and told her about the passage. She put them in a vase and said that we should enjoy them. She’s right of course and so are the Sherpas. Mary would have been right even if they'd been yellow lady slippers.


Anonymous said...

Neat Virg, really neat, thanks.
It's about time you put something of substance on your blog, instead of all the republican bashing you seem so fond of publishing.
Love ya man,

Anonymous said...

Virg and Hootie sharing a moment of insigt? What better proof that all sentient beings can be saved?

Anonymous said...

The Sherpas are certainly correct about not threatening children. The time spent threatening could be better spent spanking them. Sherpas may have to improvise though since they don't have ladies undergarments with straps and belts like mom did.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was saved on Jan.21, 2001, what a wonderful joyous feeling these past seven and a half years have been.
If your travels bring you to Freehold,IA, the little woman and I would love to have you join us for worship...Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Anonymous said...

James, how is you know Sherpas do not have women's undergarments with "straps and things"?

When you pay for sex, do you insist on being beaten with a girdle or do you prefer garters?

Anonymous said...

Maybe James got himself into a missionary position in Nepal and got spanked by a sherpini.