Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"You're Going Straight to Hell" by Betty Bowers

"We can still dream that one day all God's children will live in a community where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, or their gender, or the language they speak, or the rantings of insecure shrews who stigmatize them as deviant because they are different, but by the content of their character." Being and Nothingness by Jonah

Speaking of hate in the name of God, truth can be stranger than fiction.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that Jonah is wishing peace and harmony for all of "God's children"! And what about the REST of us (deviants)??? I guess Betty answers that for us in her video. Thanks, Virgil ...

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:04:
Just because you are a deviant doesn't mean your not one of God's children. It simply means that you are one of those children whom God will torture in a lake of fire for eternity. It will hurt God more than it will you because He loves you so much.

Anonymous said...

My theory on Heath Ledger is that John Wayne went to God and said, “You know God, what that boy did in a western movie ain’t right. You need to do something about it.” And of course, seeing how it WAS John Wayne, God said, “You know, Duke, you’re absolutely right.” And then no more Heath Ledger.

Anonymous said...

Rev. Floyd, Mr. Allturd, and their ilk at Westboro Baptist are pathologically obsessed with other people's sex lives. It's sad for them and for those who have to share the world with their bigotry.