Wednesday, January 30, 2008

OBama & Clinton-The Competent Non-Nut Jobs

John Edwards ran a good race. I thank him for the good fight and for getting out when it was time to do so. Hillary & Barack are good, qualified candidates. Either of them would serve this country well. That's not true on the Republican side. McCain is the only one who is not a nut job, and I'm not sure about him. I know, like, and respect Hillary. It's time we had a female president. Barack is bright, charismatic, and is a fresh face without the baggage. It's time we had a President of color. With a name like O'Bama he's apparently Irish too-another attribute I have trouble resisting. I wish they could unite and share the ticket for the good of the country. I'm for flipping a coin to decide who gets the top spot, stopping the blood letting and coming together.

“All the Democratic candidates for president are qualified individuals who could lead this country infinitely better than has George W. Bush, but I want to share the reasons I have decided to support Hillary Clinton and will be voting for her in the Democratic primary on Feb. 5.
As citizens consider their choices in 2008, we find that there is far too much horse-race journalism and far too little discussion of the platform and policy differences among the candidates. The Democratic nominee will need to be someone who has been through contested campaigns and can stand up to personal attacks, but that candidate must also deliver a message of positive change that can take our country forward again. We must remember, too, that good campaigners and political strategists are not always the best leaders and public officials. It is more important that we choose someone who can govern effectively and deliver once elected.
I support Hillary Clinton because she is competent and has the necessary experience to be our next president. Whoever is elected the next president of the United States will inherit numerous problems - from the tragedies in Iraq to record budget deficits, from neglected domestic needs to dangerous trade deficits. It will take not only vision but competence and experience to address those challenges. Hillary has all three.
I am not among those who would argue that gender is the paramount issue or that women always would govern differently from men, but we have a president who refuses to ask directions when he is lost. When confronting a complex problem and working to reach the best decision, I believe Hillary Clinton will be open to considering all suggestions from anyone with competence and imagination. For me, the issue is not Senator Clinton's gender but her experience, commitment, humanity, intelligence and competence to make America work again.
I support Hillary Clinton because she would be good for Arkansas. Having lived in Fayetteville and Little Rock for 18 years, she understands Arkansas and the challenges that our citizens face. Her experiences here made a difference. Hillary founded the University of Arkansas legal aid clinic for the poor when she was on the faculty here and handled cases of foster care and child abuse. She helped organize Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, a group that continues to inform public policy and lead the fight to improve the lives of the most vulnerable in our state, and she served on the board of the outstanding Arkansas Children's Hospital.
No one can overlook the contribution Hillary Clinton made in leading the taskforce to improve education in Arkansas through higher standards for schools, the grounding for the significant achievements of recent reform legislation, and record funding for our public schools. She made a real difference. I am ready for a president who will fight for the health and education of our children, who will make a long-term investment in their future instead of legislation with catchy phrases and more paperwork.
I support Hillary Clinton because she understands that a vibrant middle class is essential to America's prosperity, and she will implement a broad set of domestic policies to once again restore opportunity for all Americans. As an attorney, I am very aware of the relationship between law and public policy, and so is Hillary Clinton. On the American Bar Association's Commission on Women in the Profession, she played a role in raising awareness of issues such as sexual harassment and equal pay. Clinton has a long and substantial record of leadership fighting on behalf of working Americans and children, and it is this experience and her passion for creating a better country that will serve our nation well.
Hillary has advocated a plan to restore America's middle class, which is struggling to succeed in a precarious economy that is threatening to leave more and more Americans behind. Income inequality has risen, jobs have been shipped overseas, and wages have stagnated. At the same time, the cost of health insurance and college tuition have soared, squeezing middle class families who have often counted on their home equity to make ends meet. The current problems in the credit and housing market further threaten many middle class families. We need sensible solutions.
I support Hillary Clinton because we need a foreign policy that represents the values that we are for and not just the things that we are against, one that can recapture the international respect and friendship that we once had with the community of nations. Hillary Clinton has been an advocate for human rights around the world. As first lady, she traveled to more than 80 countries visiting with foreign leaders and making friends in those nations. Her 1995 speech in Beijing remains a rhetorical landmark of the power of ideas in making a better world, speaking out against the degradation and abuse of women and making the case that women's rights are human rights. As president, she can help restore America's standing in the world, promote our interests, ensure our security and advance our values.
I support Hillary Clinton because I trust that her heart is in the right place. I believe that she is not only a good candidate but a good, decent and honorable person who shares my concern and my passion about protecting the health and prosperity of our nation and her people. I cannot know or even guess what position she will take on every important issue that will arise in the future, but I believe that we share a number of core values and experiences that give me confidence that she will fully examine credible data and always try to do the right thing. We both grew up being active in the Methodist church, and faith was central to her family, as it was to mine. Her mother was a Sunday school teacher at their church, as was my father in our church, and we are both committed to public service that is grounded in understanding the ethical and moral implications of public policy.
All candidates are just human beings with their own strengths and weaknesses and sets of achievements and mistakes. I know that Hillary Clinton is not perfect, for none of us are, and I don't agree with her on every issue. She is, nonetheless, the best choice in 2008 to lead our great nation as president of the United States, and I am proud to support her.”

My choice for president is ... by Lindsley Smith

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