Friday, January 11, 2008

The Gentry Arkansas Police Department To Impersonate Dead Deer. Indiana Itchin To Follow.

A Wisconsin judge ruled that that a dead deer is still an animal for the purposes of sex because the “primary focus” of the law was “ protecting sexual morality in the community, and not necessarily on animal protection." The ruling is one small step toward stemming the tide of this nation wide problem. Indiana state officials say that sex with dead animals is about to surpass in-person voter fraud as the state's biggest law enforcement concern. Indiana Bureau of Investigation agents are considering preemptive strikes like those planned by the Gentry, Arkansas Police Department.. Gentry officers will pose as dead deer and other dead critters in local parks, on roadsides, and on the internet. A city official said " I certainly hope that having sex with dead animals is against the law in Arkansas too, but if it is not we will form a committee to push legislation to outlaw it in the next session. We have to be proactive to protect the morality of the community. Our civilization depends upon it. If you let one guy get away with poking a dead deer what is to stop the entire state from doing the same thing? This could lead to destruction of the deer population! There is also a discrimination issue here. While males can do dead deer females can't. A clear double standard if men, through the simple expediency of killing the deer first, can enjoy the profound pleasures of screwing a carcass without risk of criminal punishment.”
Angus McGregor, though he continues his crusade for tolerance of consenting cross-species relationships, believes that the the perpetrator should be charged with rape since a dead deer is incapable of consent. He also stated that necrophilia is “against the laws of God and nature.”

Thanks to Dr. Steve & James The Bruce for this hot tip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gentry has either a very ignorant city official or some very unimaginative wome.