Friday, September 21, 2007

Bush is a Pissant Pimp & The White House is the Pissant Hilton.

"...Mr. Bush, you have hidden behind the General's skirts, and today you have hidden behind the skirts of 'the last question' at a news conference, to indicate once again that your presidency has been about the tilted playing field, about no rules for your party in terms of character assassination and changing the fabric of our nation, and no right for your opponents or critics to as much as respond.

That, Sir, is not only unAmerican -- it is dictatorial.

And in pimping General David Petraeus, Sir, in violation of everything this country has been assiduously and vigilantly against for 220 years, you have tried to blur the gleaming radioactive line between the military and the political, and to portray your party as the one associated with the military, and your opponents as the ones somehow antithetical to it. You did it again today, Sir, and you need to know how history will judge the line you just crossed." Keith Olbermann

Thanks to Dr. Steve & Kurt Vonnegut Jr.


Lessie said...

And shame upon the heads of Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor for joining Monkey Boy's lapdogs on the Senate vote yesterday condemning the voice of patriotic dissent and public critique of men and measures. Twenty Democrats voted for the "Sense of the Senate" resolution; or 22 if you count Lincoln and Pryor.

Anonymous said...

I don't count Lincoln or Pryor. One may as well count Lieberman and Craig.