Thursday, May 31, 2007

Veal, Pork, & Poultry

"Within moments of birth, male calves born on dairies are taken away from their mothers and loaded onto trucks. Many are sold through auction rings where they are subjected to transportation and handling stresses. The fragile animals are shocked and kicked, and when they can no longer walk, they are dragged by their legs or even their ears.

Every year, approximately one million calves are confined in crates measuring just two feet wide. They are chained by the neck to restrict all movement, making it is impossible for them to turn around, stretch, or even lie down comfortably. This severe confinement makes the calves' meat "tender" since the animals muscles cannot develop."

Of course, what muscle is left is poisoned with antibiotics necessary to keep the calves alive while living in their own excrement.

1 comment:

A. Earls said...

Not only do they take the calves away from their mothers and torture them in their confinement, they also practically starve them. When they do feed them, it is fatty food (sometimes consisting of other animal parts--remember, a cow is an herbivore) laden with antibiotics and growth hormones in order to get it big and fatty.

In addition, the chickens who are kept in confined cages (this does not apply to "organic" chickens who are allowed to roam free and are only feed grains and allowed to eat from the land they roam) are so crowded that they are touching each other on all sides. This leads to tension and agression in the chickens. To prevent them from pecking each other, they have the tips of their beaks seared off with a hot iron.

To me, that's cruel and unusual punishment for an animal who has done nothing to us. If you must eat meat, then you should really check out where it comes from and how it is treated. While I am not for killing defenseless animals, I do realize that they provide meat for many people. So, at the very least, stick to "organic" meats where the animals are raised in their natural environment and allowed to graze and MOVE. These animals are also not given antibiotics because they are not kept in such close contact as to make each other sick, and they are not given growth hormones.

Ever wonder why our children are developing at earlier ages now days? Could it be all of the growth hormone they are consuming from non-organic meat and dairy products? Think about it.