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There are still athletes & coaches who are don’t have multimillion dollar salaries, love the game, respect their opponents, play hard, are not self absorbed, don’t take themselves too seriously, and don’t threaten to take their balls and go home if things don’t go their way. The NWA Rollergirls appear to be in this elite group. They are also willing to take time out to give autographs or have their pictures taken with fans, young or old, without additional compensation (See, Bad News Bailey with fan pictured here) May they remain, pure and campy.
You scare me...No, REALLY!!! You scare me!! Next it'll be Hulk Hogan or heaven help, even worse his daughter, Brook Hogan that you'll be groping!!! UGGHHHH!!!!
I wouldn't be accusing Ms. Bailey of groping anyone if I were you. She is a very nice young woman. I was there when this picture was taken. She was asked to pose with this guy and she graciously agreed.
Wow. Thanks so much! It's good to know that people can actually SEE how much we love what we do and how we do it for health, for sisterhood, and for community - not money!
-coy soldier-
Thanks for taking part in this league. The bout was just plain fun and refreshing. Northwest Arkansas has needed something with this kind of edge for so many reasons for a long time.
"This Guy"/Virg:
As I said, YOU scare me; MS BAILEY scares me!!! HELL!! YOU ALL SCARE ME!!! And for that matter, MS BAILEY might ought to be scared of ME cuz I can be down right scrappy at times and I've got the battle wounds to proove it!!
I didn't mean to get you riled. Too bad you can't skate. You'd be a natural.
Thanks....I have low self-esteem and I need all the luv and groping I can get....even if it is from cuzins.
Please cease and desist the publication and distribution of said photo. You are in violation of copyright law. I wil be more than happy to licence the rights to said photo, for a resonable price of course.
-The Photographer
Dear Virg & Chris:
You both have invaded my privacy and appropriated my image without authorization. I'm considering legal action, but I'll do whatever Bad News wants.
Dear This Guy:
Having your photo taken with a beautiful young woman and then having it put on display must be excruciating for you. You’ve always been such a private person. I feel your pain.
I am envious of that dude in the photograph, assuming that he was actually there and not just PhotoShopped.
Michelle "Sin" Obana is HOT! And a good skater, too, I'm sure.
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