Friday, September 01, 2006

Greece Over U.S.A. 101-95? Where the Hell is Greece, and Why Haven't We Bombed Them?

Virgil is a fundamentalist when it comes to athletics. Block, tackle, keep your eye on the ball or sliotar, and at least shoot free throws. We failed in the fundamentals here and, as a result, were beaten by a country no one ever heard of that probably worships Allah.


Anonymous said...

Obviously, the al-Qaeda referees cost us the game. They have links to the Saddam regime, and probably have weapons of mass destruction-related-type prorams. Recently, I heard British intelligence confirmed that there was a rumor originating possibly out of Bolivia that Greece was trying to procure yellowcake basketballs. All of that being true, we should now bomb Norway for not being sufficiently "with us" against the terrorists.

Virgil said...

Amen brother Steve.

Anonymous said...

I am familiar with Greece, and this loss is especially bad because they are all homasexyals.

Anonymous said...

Though Steve Zega's sarcasm questions our policy and is therefore unpatriotic, I think we should give him a break as long as it doesn't happen again since he served for a year or so in this war leaving a wife, child, and small law practice behind.