Research shows that the female brain naturally releases oxytocin after a 20-second hug. The embrace bonds the huggers and triggers the brain's trust circuits. So Brizendine advises, don't let a guy hug you unless you plan to trust him. ‘And if you do, ‘she said, ‘make sure it lasts 20 seconds.’
A few neurological differences between women and men from Louann Brizendine's ‘The Female Brain’:
Thoughts about sex enter women's brains once every couple of days; for men, thoughts about sex occur every minute.
Women use 20,000 words per day; men use 7,000 per day.
Women excel at knowing what people are feeling; men have difficulty spotting an emotion unless someone cries or threatens bodily harm.
Women remember fights that a man insists never happened.
Women over 50 are more likely to initiate divorce."
Virg---Can hugging cause pregnancy?
Yes, but usually only in women. Hugs of less than 20 seconds are usually considered safe.
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