This irresponsible action could cost jobs. A little poison never hurt anyone. As SgtMaj Dan Daly said, "Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?"
They've been belly aching since we took this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves. Same as here, a great number of people need jobs.
Damn, I just finished my rc cola when I read this? Vergil, is their pioson in RC colas? I usually smoke a camel with my RC. That won't hurt anything will it?
RC's are pure as spring water don't worry about it Lester. If there were poison in one, the Camels would make sure that it won't be the poison that kills you. Relax and keep them songs a commin. Say hello to Wichita for me.
They've been belly aching since we took this great country away from them.
There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves. Same as here, a great number of people need jobs.
They should be taught a lesson and I'm just the man to do it.
Damn, I just finished my rc cola when I read this? Vergil, is their pioson in RC colas? I usually smoke a camel with my RC. That won't hurt anything will it?
RC's are pure as spring water don't worry about it Lester. If there were poison in one, the Camels would make sure that it won't be the poison that kills you. Relax and keep them songs a commin. Say hello to Wichita for me.
You dolts know nothing of Indians. We civilized them and made the entire subcontinent one nation much as your president is doing in Iraq.
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