Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The President Has Already Ordered The Killing of Separation of Powers & Free Speech on U.S. Soil.

Can the President Order a Killing on U.S. Soil? Of Course He Can. He's Already Ordered The Death of Separation of Powers & Free Speech.

"the American system of government will not survive unless those individuals we elect understand their proper role and the Constitution. However, Congress and the courts, particularly since 9/11, have repeatedly surrendered their responsibilities as
separate and independent branches of government. Both must reclaim their roles and their constitutional uty to act as the full equals of the executive branch. Above all, they must stop deferring to the President every time he invokes the recurring mantra ?war on terror.?

Americans fought the War of Independence to escape being governed or ruled by a single individual who was immune from advice or control. To them, this was tyranny. Let us not forget the lessons of the past or our freedoms will be lost. Our Freedoms and the Separation of Powers by John W. Whitehead


Lone Ranger said...

There is precedent for this. Under Bill Clinton, a 13-year-old boy and his mother were shot to death by an FBI sniper in Ruby Ridge, Idaho. Then there was the slaughter of 86 men, women and children in Waco, Texas. Judging from that record, a President can not only order killing on U.S. soil, the victims can be U.S. citizens who have committed no crime whatsoever.

Virgil said...

You have your facts wrong, but with Bush and his gang in the White House, you need not feel like the Lone Ranger. Clinton didn’t order anyone killed. He certainly didn’t single out individuals to be executed.

Anonymous said...

Who is this lone ranger and what is he doing being critical of virg? How un-American can you get?

Anonymous said...

Virgil- look out, they may come after you. If they do, I will be there to help!

Virgil said...

Thanks again I can't say enough about how much your support means.
I'm overwhelmed. I fear no one with the stoutest man in the Fourty-Twa at my side.

Anonymous said...

that was the other jock mcgraw. i'm with the peace corps.