After weeks of insisting that divulging details of the domestic spying program would “hinder intelligence gathering,” the White House decided that the November elections are more important. Bush bragged of possibly saving a mythical building to justify the program, but claimed no link between the hypothetical saving of the hypothetical building and the domestic spying program. "It took the combined efforts of several countries to break up this plot. By working together we stopped [the destruction of the Liberty Building.]" Bush said. When confronted with the fact that
there is no such building, [See,
Christian Science Monitor & The
Seattle Times], the President said “it’s close enough for gummit work” )
Among those who still believe that Saddam Hussein masterminded the 9/11 attacks
Bush’s poll numbers will probably go up.
Antonio Villaraigosa, the whiney liberal mayor of Los Angeles, complained that he was out of the loop and only knew what he saw on TV. Some unpatriotic U.S. intelligence officials “
attributed the timing of Bush's speech to politics” and said “there is deep disagreement within the intelligence community over the seriousness of the Library (sic) Tower (sic) scheme and whether it was ever more than talk.”
See, Questions of Credibility by Dan FroomkinSee also, Terrorism pays off big for this Administration
After thwarting them taaaarrrists, the old brushcutter needs to take a break for some r&r at the raaaanch. Little bike riding etc. Our man Dick can hold down the fort.
You could drive a ten penny nail throuh that suckers head with no diminution in brain function.
Well I thought Dick could hold the fort down. Turns out he was down in Texas spraying birdshot all over the place. Can't these people do anything right?
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