Monday, February 13, 2006

Cheney Muffs Bush Ordered Assassination-The Spin Begins

Vice-President Cheney accidently shot a Texan- ”Saturday while trying to carry out President Bush’s order to assassinate a suspected “Mohammedan hunting guide.” A shotgun pellet in his chest traveled to his heart. Some sources say that the “Mohammedan” ducked behind lawyer Harry Whittington of Austin at the last second. Others say that the shooting went as planned and was simply part of the Administration’s war on lawyers.
mpatient with efforts to close the courts to litigants, the Administration literally fired the first shot in its groundbreaking "No Lawyer Left Standing" initiative. Vice-President Cheney, hunting on a private lawyer ranch near Kingsville, Texas, bagged an impressive buck (Harry Whittington, UT Law '50). Under the new program, hunters may take one in-house lawyer or three outside lawyers daily. The limit has been suspended for trial lawyers. "We've just got to thin the herd," said the Vice-President. "We've tried tort reform and caps on damages, but people are still suing." Cheney added, "It's easy and fun. In Texas, you can shoot in almost any direction and hit a lawyer."
Colon Powell, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that the incident proves that Cheney was doing his patriotic duty when he
dodged the draft. “If he could do this with a shotgun, can you imagine how many of our guys he would have taken out if he’d served and had been issued an automatic rifle?,” Powell asked rhetorically.
Cheney Alert System
Carl Rove says anyone who thinks that he or she could do better should try the Dick Cheney Quail Hunt.
Lighten up Dick-No one is saying you're a bad shot. You just went off half cocked-Not the first or the last time for you and yours. See, Gatekeepers
It is a shame that this incident happened, and it could happen to anyone who is careless with guns. People are having such a good time with it because it has exposed the pompous, self righteous, prig, pushing the Neocon agenda. He is impulsive, promarily concerned with himself, willing to sacrifice others. He hides himself, and the incident if possible, when something goes wrong. However, Dan Froomkin in Loose Cannon a Special to is correct “Who's calling the shots at the White House? Dick Cheney, of course.” I used to think that was better than having Shrub call them, but now I’m not sure.
“The finer points of quail-hunting etiquette are up for interpretation, but the two most important are set in stone: Don't shoot the dogs and don't shoot each other.” Bo Emerson The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
These cartoons and more may be seen at Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index, Cheney Shoots. See also, The Mighty Hunter at Virg n' Mary.
Arkansas Rep. Sam Ledbetter, once said "Alcohol and firearms do not mix." I thought he was just being a Goody Two Shoes at the time, but not anymore. See, Cheney, "A Beer or Two," and a Gun and Cheney Admits To Drinking Beer Prior To Hunting Accident.


Patti said...

On the rare occasion that Dad took a daughter along on these bird-killing walks, he always knew where his hunting companions and I were. I believe though, that if he had shot one of the companions, he would have made sure that the victim didn’t suffer and humanely finished them off. Harry will quietly and secretly be kept on life-support if this doesn’t end well. This pretty much exhibits the obvious; Cheney can’t be trusted with buckshot, much less the nuclear arsenal.

Anonymous said...

Look, I was there and witnessed the entire episode. Not only did he shoot one of his hunting buddies, but he very nearly killed me and my entire family. The man's a menace!!

Anonymous said...

My Dad never took his daughter along, but he insisted that you know where your companions were. He also insisted that you don't even point at anything unless unless you are sure of your target. In defense of whoever trusted Cheney, they only trusted him with birdshot-not buckshot.

Anonymous said...

I know that it was frightening, but you and your family were in no actual danger unless someone else was armed.

Anonymous said...


My family and I were assaulted by Cheney on Saturday as well. I used to trust republicans (hell I was one), but not any more. No one is safe as long as Busy/Cheney are in the White House.

Anonymous said...

Virgil- I wanted to update your readers on Mr. Whittington's condition. He is still in intensive care. Doctors expect him to make a full recovery, although the process will take some time. They say his situation would not have been so critical had Cheney not field dressed him.

Anonymous said...

Vice President Dick Cheney revealed today that he shot a fellow hunter while on a quail hunting trip over the weekend because he believed the man was the fugitive terror mastermind Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Mr. Cheney acknowledged that the man he sprayed with pellets on Saturday was not al-Zawahiri but rather Harry Whittington, a 78-year-old millionaire lawyer from Austin, blaming the mix-up on "faulty intelligence."
"I believed I had credible intelligence that al-Zawahiri had infiltrated my hunting party in disguise with the intent of spraying me with pellets," Mr. Cheney told reporters. "Only after I shot Harry in the face and he shouted 'Cheney, you bastard' did I realize that this intelligence was faulty."
Moments after Mr. Cheney's assault on Mr. Whittington, Mr. al-Zawahiri appeared in a new videotape broadcast on al-Jazeera to announce that he was uninjured in the vice president's attack because, in his words, "I was in Pakistan."
An aide to the vice president said he believed that the American people would believe Mr. Cheney's version of events, but added, "If he was going to shoot any of his cronies right now it's a shame it wasn't Jack Abramoff."
At the White House, President George W. Bush defended his vice president's shooting of a fellow hunter, saying that the attack sent "a strong message to terrorists everywhere."
"The message is, if Dick Cheney is willing to shoot an innocent American citizen at point-blank range, imagine what he'll do to you," Mr. Bush said.
Elsewhere, aviator Steve Fossett completed his three-day journey around the globe, setting a world record for wasting both time and money.

Anonymous said...

I think Ledbetter had thrown a few back when he said that.

Virgil said...

Old Smuggler would be my guess.

Anonymous said...

I don't know all of the elected representatives in the United States, but there could be none better than Sam Ledbetter. (No pun intended) He gives a damn, is smart, and has the courage of his convictions. Too bad he's term limited. We'll miss you Sammy.