Sunday, November 13, 2005

Put This In Your Pipe Pat - Questions for Everyone

How sickening it is to know that a human with major influence on the American public can ’pray’ hurricanes, tornados and other disasters from one geographical locale to another. People send this sick son-of-a-bitch money – sometimes money they can ill afford. Why is it that he and Rush Limbaugh take a free ride while many of my pot-smoking clients are in the pen? How come nobody is acting up about it the way they did in the 60s and 70s? Why aren’t WE? Do we just get middle-aged and too tired to do anything but sit around and bitch? Where are we?
From Cathi


Anonymous said...

Cathy, But back to all your jailed clients, can you put me in touch with a more secure pot source? Thanks, SJ

Anonymous said...

It appears that my hopes for you have been dashed. Sorry the rehab didn't work. Or did it? Pot is probably healthier than blogging. Hope you find some soon. Jailed clients are not usually a good source.

Anonymous said...

It is the abuse of religion rather than religion itself that is the problem. Like anything else with which gives people vicarious power, it is used to salve society's pains and cloak its problems. The unscrupulous use divine guidance to define enemies and punish them. The circus, whether its victems are Jews, Muslims, potsmokers, unifies us and keeps us distracted so we don't threaten the true evil.

Anonymous said...

Throw off the chains of slavery. Let the masses do their own work.