Monday, December 13, 2010

Land a Goshen!

"This . . .  picture from [a] game camera in Goshen, Arkansas. Only 2 people know where the camera actually is and it not the easiest place to play a joke or get to at  1:44 am. I was just seeing if you guys have seen anything ever like this before or can help identify. We are all just a little more afraid to deer hunt in NWA now."  From a report to the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission last Wednesday, December 8, 2010.
So far Game & Fish has not been able to identify the creature, but there is speculation that it is a zombie.


Anonymous said...

im guessing it's the Fouke Monster - unless that was Tony Alamo.

Greg said...

Boy, this picture sure has made its way around the internet. I heard that they had actually found out this was staged. It was part of a viral marketing campaign for some movie or TV show that is coming out. They sure did create some 'buzz' with it.

eileen said...

I don't think there is anything to be frightened about; it's just a figure in the dark, right? In the light of day it is no doubt Coach Virg searching for his camogie paddle or a sliotar in preparation for the upcoming big game with the athletic lasses.

If not, and it is indeed a strange, unspecified creature wandering the forest of Arkansas, I'm glad. The deer finally have an advantage.