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Happy Easter, But Read This Book Lest You Expose Our Children To The Devil.
Summary: Are Your Children Playing With Lucifer's Testicles? is a Bible based book for Christian parents who by lack of faith can't afford to send their children to a decent Christian school. Their precious youngsters are infected by the secular filth and lies being taught by unsaved teachers in America's public school system. The book teaches parents how to easily explain to their children that Easter (as it is celebrated by the Unsaved) has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ but is actually a holiday celebrating lewd and sexually explicit pagan rituals of fertility. "It's not that difficult to understand," says Author/Creation Scientist, Dr. Daniel Cameroon. "In the old days, deluded pagans would gather round and hump like bunnies on Easter Sunday because they thought it would make their tomatoes grow faster." Dr. Cameroon explains that it doesn't matter what god or idol the Pagans were humping under on Easter Sunday, because any god other than "Jesus" is "Satan." Dr. Cameroon dedicates four chapters in the book to Easter Eggs. "Easter Eggs are one of the wiliest tools of the Devil," he says. "Pagan kids didn't have anything to do on Easter Sunday because their mommies and daddies were stuck in a false temple all day, naked and writhing around with their neighbors in Satanic orgies of the flesh. You see, parents had to come up with a way to occupy their children while they were away from home, praying and fornicating under the altar of Satan. And since they didn't have babysitters back then, they gave their kids eggs to play with and sometimes paint," he says. "But the reason they chose eggs had nothing to do with any sort of fertility or fertilizers (as some misguided Christian historians would have you believe). Nope, it was because of Lucifer's testicles! Glory to God! And I won't say a word more about it! I don't want to ruin the book for you!" Are Your Children Playing With Lucifer's Testicles? (The Truth About Easter Eggs) is a wonderfully informative and well-researched Christian book which consolidates a 2-month Adult Remedial Sunday School series into two-hundred exciting and easy to read pages along with memorable illustrations. Are Your Children Playing With Lucifer's Testicles? or "PWLT" as the book is now referred to in the Southern Baptist Sunday School Teachers catalogue takes the reader on an unforgettable journey that traces the pagan (Satanic) origins of secular (Satanic) Easter, with a specific focus on the origin of "Easter Eggs." Click here to order from
Credibility has its limits even for fools. Praise the lord for good Dr. what's his face for sheding the light.
Please tell me this is a joke.
a. earls
Good American ingenuity....This guy's trying to make a buck (and probably succeeding).
Here's another version via internet search:
Easter baskets grew out of the Christian observance of Lent, giving up meat, eggs and dairy. The custom of having a large Easter supper represents the end of the Lenten fast. In more ancient times, this feast was brought to the church in large baskets to be blessed by the Clergy. Hence the connection to Easter Baskets today. It is interesting to note that the Jewish tradition of Purim which takes place at this time of year, is also celebrated with the giving of food baskets, and has Queen Esther as the heroine of the Purim story. In the 1700s German children in North America would leave their caps and bonnets filled with straw outside overnight and find colored hard cooked eggs tucked inside in the morning. By the 1800s candy was commonly included in the baskets. Along with the renewal of the earth the idea of birth and rebirth, the egg became a symbol in the Christian Easter celebration and is still used today. Eggs were painted and decorated and given as gifts. As technology improved there were hollow eggs crafted from cardboard and were filled with smaller gifts.
Can anyone tell right or wrong what does this have to do with the resurection of Jesus Christ? I thnk in any case all of this is a little disrespectful to him and what he did for us at Calvary and rising on that third day to give us hope for life after this one.
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